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  1. F

    Kyle and Jackio radio stunt

    ive done that. driving stunt...but at dubai
  2. F

    What is everyone's favourite sandwhich bread?

    most breads at bakers delight are really gudd....the cape seed is my fav...although it is $6 for a large loaf.... the white hi fiber bread is not too bad also
  3. F

    Fast Food - Advertisements vs Reality

    If anyone has tried the Buger King (hungry jacks) burgers in Dubai.....u will actually see the add burgers there....they are huge.
  4. F

    how to find the y-intercept

    the y- intercept is, in the equation, the single number : y = mx + b b is the y-intecept
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    Credit Card Payments!

    PC: how is the number of days from 1st october to 5th november 32 days...........its 36 days
  6. F

    Marks in Trials

    Im happy to say that i got 77%.....go MATHS
  7. F

    Help: Creative Writing On Inner Journeys???

    hey guys a newbeeeeee:wave: I waz wondering wether u (7th sign) could send me the essay u did on journeys ...if u stilll hav it