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  1. jaaaaay

    UTS Semester 1 2009 Buying and Selling Books Thread

    SELLING - PM if interested. Subject: Taxation Law 2009 Australian Taxation Law: 19th Edition (Woellner, Barkoczy, Murphy, Evans) + 2009 Core Tax Legislation & Study Guide: 12th Edition (Stephen, Barkoczy) + Tax Questions And Answers 2009[/B] (Fisher, Hodgson) - almost brand new $160.00...
  2. jaaaaay

    UTS Semester 2 2009 Buying and Selling Books Thread

    SELLING - PM if interested. Subject: Taxation Law 2009 Australian Taxation Law: 19th Edition (Woellner, Barkoczy, Murphy, Evans) + 2009 Core Tax Legislation & Study Guide: 12th Edition (Stephen, Barkoczy) + Tax Questions And Answers 2009[/B] (Fisher, Hodgson) - almost brand new $160.00...
  3. jaaaaay

    2008 HSC School Rankings

    Re: Top 200 Schools - Daily Telegraph HGHS 5th again...
  4. jaaaaay

    Early Offers????

    Courses such as the one I'm doing - BAcc at UTS, which is a co-operative scholarship program involving application forms, interviews, etc in addition to your UAI will give early offers.
  5. jaaaaay

    is my uai wrong?

    Please remember your UAI is not an 'average of marks' or in fact a 'mark' at all. It is a rank. Say if there was a subject in which most people acquired a mark of 90, and you got 70; your mark may not seem so bad on its own - but in comparison, it's substantially lower than your fellow...
  6. jaaaaay

    Family's reaction to your UAI?

    Well done everyone! I remember last year, I was in Italy at the time & couldn't get into the damn website... ended up finding out through co-op offers (had to ask the course manager what my UAI was... embarassing!)
  7. jaaaaay

    What Bugs Me!!!

    Some people are just better at cramming, while other prefer a steady learning curve to process information. I could never had a proper study routine because I guess, of a lack of self control... ended up doing a lot of last minute cramming. I don't think it's unfair, marks cannot be awarded...
  8. jaaaaay

    Who applied 4 cadet this yr?

    So true =P
  9. jaaaaay

    Prelim exams in comparison to HSC.

    Listen to the expert... haha. I did so shit in year 11 - doesn't count! Pick yourself up and you'll do fine!
  10. jaaaaay

    Dropping business..

    I did 9 units in year 12, because I finished 2 units in year 11 (Accounting); and my friend who was doing 10 units in year 12 got a 99+ UAI. If you despise it, drop it. Better focus your time on your other subjects in my opinion...
  11. jaaaaay

    What do you feel when you drop a subject?

    You should be feeling good, less units, more frees! I also dropped Chemistry at the end of Year 11.
  12. jaaaaay

    What HSC subjects are you doing???

    I was kidding! But that's what happened to me... which lead to my downfall in various areas of the HSC!
  13. jaaaaay

    Do you like english

    The skills you learn in junior high school are developed further in year 11 and 12. The reason you study such areas as Shakespeare, Postmodernism, poetry and cinematography is because if you are able to articulate yourself with regards to such complex themes, you bring a new dimension to the...
  14. jaaaaay

    What HSC subjects are you doing???

    don't be ridiculous... bludge as much as you can in year 11. so u can go hard in year 12 =]
  15. jaaaaay

    Textbooks For Sale: 50-70% Off Rrp

    yea give me a buzz if theyre interested, prices negotiable - not too fussed. just want to get rid of them =]
  16. jaaaaay

    Textbooks For Sale: 50-70% Off Rrp

    TEXTBOOKS FOR SALE Principles of Marketing 3rd Edition Phillip Kotler, Stewart Adam, Linden Brown, Gary Armstrong Condition: Good RRP: $114.95* Selling price: $35.00 Accounting 5th Edition (Qantas Supplement & Study Guide CD-Rom included) Horngren, Harrison, Bamber, Best, Fraser, Willett...
  17. jaaaaay

    question about hair

  18. jaaaaay

    Should i drop Physics?

    physics was really disappointing for me. i got 88 for physics in the hsc... i didn't think it was such a bad mark. but it was the subject that didn't count =/ if u hate it so much, i don't think its a subject worth doing...
  19. jaaaaay

    Standard English Band 6 good on u =]