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  1. A

    Approaching to girls

    Hey All I just want to get your guys opinion on something. Lets say you saw a pretty girl but you have nothing common with her like no mutual friends or anything like that. Is there a way to approach a girl without looking desperate or looking like a douchebag. I was about to do a Joey...
  2. A

    The Organ of Corti.

    Just a judgment of a question The Question is "Explain the importance of the organ of Corti for communication by sound of mammals" The organ of corti is embedded in the basculiar membrane. It contains haircells which came in contact with other membranes called the tectorial membrane. The...
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    I think its A but some other ppl says its B If u cant see the images..let me know I will upload it again.
  4. A

    ict eng.

    I am very interested in doing an ICT Engineering degree but I can't really decide on an sub-major.. I willing to do engineering in UTS, which they provide 4 sub major - Network Security - Software (not really interested) - Computer System - Telecommunication which do...
  5. A

    Lenz's law help..

    I cant solve these 2 questions..