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  1. S

    am i doing enough for Yr 11?..

    i need some advice for organisation because as term 2 is starting i realised how behind and lacking i am in my studies. like for biology i literally did no "complete" notes and all the ones i have are just randomly scattered around. and now i realised that i basically forgot...
  2. S


    Hey. If anyone knows me from my other threads, especially "am i too dumb for chemistry" i assume that you know my condition with chemistry and how much i absolutely suck at it. right now i am learning it but VERY VERY BEHIND IN CLASS and do not understand a thing. i feel very bad about this and...
  3. S

    am i too dumb for chemistry?

    hey, just wondering if chemistry is suitable for me since i always received bad marks for it in year 10 and didn't have an interest in it due to lack of studying (EDIT: never completing given homework etc..) and not ever concentrating during class lessons. i recently became curious in...
  4. S

    why economics and business studies are bad together

    lol can anyone give me some reasons or give some advice on these subjects? im doing both next year and i want to drop business... ive heard from some people that the content overlaps and it is bad as a combination somehow??
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    Japanese Beginners or Business Studies

    hey, im currently interested in changing business studies for either jap beg or va. considering jap beg scales slightly higher, im thinking of doing it over va. it is too late/weird for me to suddenly choose to learn a new language? what is the hsc for this subject like? im worried it may be...
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    Subjects Dilemma

    hi... this gonna be so long and repetitive but.. my dad wants me to pursue commerce/accounting degrees in UNSW or USYD in the future while I want to do communications&media or design in architecture instead (im leaning towards arts or humanities). he would not let me do the majors I want unless...
  7. S


    SUBJECT HELP so im considering to do (for yr 11) maths ext eng ext modern history economics biology business studies (considering change to jap beg or va since more interesting and take break from all the humanities..) can anyone give me an overview on all these subjects? scaling?