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    Can someone explain how to derive ac = v^2/r ?

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    asap help

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    why do we add a constant of t/2 when calculating part ii
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    mind blank on part 13 f

    any help is appreciated for reference i have attached my answers for q13 a b c d e:
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    need help with this q as well

    i need help with q22 and q23 part b
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    can someone verify my answer to this q is correct or not

    my answer is attached below
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    need help with this q any help appreciated thanks

    I need help with part 16d i have attached my part a b and c here for reference
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    help required with this q

    ive done this, but can someone verify if i have done it correctly or not.
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    Induction q:

    i dont see any major difference between these two qs can someone explain / elaborate on whether there is any huge diff in the qs and how we would approach it cuz i feel like i would approach both qs in the same way:
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    i need help for phys this q

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    10 units risky or not

    I do these subjects: 4u math, 2u adv eng, Phys, Chem and software. I wanna drop software. The situation for me in the other subjects is relatively ok i.e in 4u I did mediocre and am ranked somewhere round 10 to 15 i need to improve exam technique as in the recent test I did quite some silly...
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    how to approach this q

    would u simplify this to arg(z-1)-arg(z+1) and then try solve?
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    how to approach this q

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    is 1 a complex num

    im asking this cuz a q asks to show an example of finding nth roots of a complex num with n>5 i used the example z^6 = 1 and found the roots of this. but yh is 1 a complex number and would using it satisfy the question
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    for such simple q is working out ever required or plug into calc and write answer is enough

    for such 1 markers would working out ever be required, or is it just expected u plug into calc and write the answer cuz i feel its unnecessary but don't wanna risk it
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    q regarding cos being even f(x)

    im confused regarding this cos2pi/3 would be cos-pi/3 but then if its an even f(x) should it become cospi/3 yh im confused regarding this concept cuz when writing anything in mod arg form i heard that the cos can absorb the negative but then