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  1. A

    When is a good time to drop to Standard English?

    Ok, so I’m really not the greatest English student. I averaged at about 80% in Year 11, which is actually really poor compared to my other subjects in the 90’s. It’s also the only thing I got a combination of B’s and C’s on my report for. While I understand that there’s always room for...
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    Preliminary Advanced Maths Indicies Word Problem.

    Please help a student in need with a worked solution. Word problems will be the death of me. I feel like the question isn’t ”hard”, but I can’t get my head around it.
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    Year 11 Subject Selection Advice.

    I’m undertaking the following subjects for Yr 11: Advanced English, Advanced Math, PDHPE, Chemistry and Biology (accelerated course). For my 6th course, I wasn’t given the subject I wanted as it coincides with the accelerated course, which I cannot negotiate with. So they assigned me Engineering...
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    Help with finding certain values in non-linear relationships unit.

    Doing the basics of non-linear relationships, but I’m still stuck on how to solve to find the highlighted parts. Simply rearranging the equation doesn’t give me the right answer. Substituting values for x and y from a graph also don’t give me the value I want. Please help. Is there some formula...
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    Should I do Standard II or Advanced Math?

    Should I do Standard II or Advanced Math? I’ve been thinking about this for way too long and still haven’t decided. And now, I am required to express my interest in one of these levels of math within a bit more than a week. Alas, I have no choice but to turn to educated strangers on the...