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  1. Counterfeit

    No Limits hahah

    Awww did anyone else get one of those "oh-so-sweet" post cards? I love how they go "unlimited fun. Unlimited options... ONCE you recieve your results....." so yeah, there are limits dick wads, id love to see you accept me on a uai of 60. see, there IS a limit.
  2. Counterfeit

    End with a bang.

    Yeah well i have absolutely no qualms in saing that was my absolute worst HSC exam. The questions were absolute shit, limiting, frustrating and lame. Geez i usually hate these whinge threads but faaaaaaaaar out that exam deserves a good whinge! Im counting on my rank to save me, i...
  3. Counterfeit

    The OMG how the hell am i NOT finished yet?

    There are 2 days left I have 2 exams left WHY OH WHY is everyone finished but me!!??
  4. Counterfeit

    The Future Of Your BOW

    What are you goig to do with your BOW once u get it back? Keep it? Sell it? Trash it? Burn it? Paint over it? Give it as a present? etc etc etc Personally I would love to put them up in a cafe with a ridiculous price tag of like $200 per peice and see if any body buys...
  5. Counterfeit

    Photo Posting Suggestions

    AHHH i can't freaking get my pics up! I brought my artworks home today (yeah, they were rejected :P) Anyway i took pictures of them because i want to post them and see what people honestly think. Anyway i tried deviant art... but i cant only put one picture up... and that's it. I...
  6. Counterfeit

    How Much?

    How much is your schoolies costing you? I think mine will be $500 in the end. Thatas including everything from accomodation to a new pair of swimmers. Not too bad.
  7. Counterfeit


    heheh i just found my first project for yr 11 ahahhaa far out it was SHIT, theres no other way to put it. I remember yr 11 art, we were all so scared of doing anything bold, terrified of what everyone would think, petrified of pushing the boundaries and creating our own styles... I went...
  8. Counterfeit

    Art Major Works >> Art Express

    Well I just found out my art major work was marked today!! How long would it be till i find out if i have/haven't been nominated for art express? Im so bloody nervous! I want to know now! Oooo if i dont get nominated ill be absolutely crushed... but i need to know!
  9. Counterfeit

    The Panic, The Vomit

    HSC Chemistry... holy fuck. Enough said. It's my hardest exam without a doubt, i'll think i'm fine, I'll do a practice test, ace it, BUT then i do another practice test and get like 40% ... it's so unpredictable, there's SO MUCH CONTENT! some of it is just so random. Its the minor dot...
  10. Counterfeit


    Fuck. Solubility rules have been plaguing me since the early days of year 11... I just don't understand. I can't get my head around them. I know they rules, and i know cation and anion tests but I just can't apply them! They never ever seem to work, like i always seem to encounter...
  11. Counterfeit

    CSSA Trial Papers

    Where can i get my hands on some, they sound like they'd be quite helpfull. I will swap some STANSW trails or HSC answers for a CSSA trail (2005 preferably) , cuz i can't seem to find some anywhere. EDIT: And/Or some independant trials would be nice :)
  12. Counterfeit

    CSSA Trial Papers

    Where do I get them from? Everybody seems to be like "oo the CSSA Trials are so good" I feel deprived. Anyway i would really appreciate some for CHEMISTRY, preferably the 2005 trial. People never tend to surprise in their stinginess, so i know noone will post a link or paper from the...
  13. Counterfeit

    5 Mins Reading Time...

    What the hell is this time supposed to be used for?? Esp in maths!! The only time it's ever usefull is english AOS as there is actually something to read.. but all of a sudden they took it up to 10 mins which was just waaaay too long. All I can manage to do in this time is sit, consumed by...
  14. Counterfeit

    English is my FAVOURITE subject in the whole entire world!

    No, the UNIVERSE. I love it. Its the best. <3 <3 <3. It makes me all warm and fuzzy inside. I think english and I think love. If i could marry a subject I would marry english. I'll tell you why?? BECAUSE ITS OVER!! (sorry for rubbing it in ee1 people) COMEONE everone, stop dwelling on...
  15. Counterfeit

    The HSC Has Finished!!!?

    Re: the little note at the bottom of the page... has there been a more idiotic statement made in the whole history of BOS? I think not. CHANGE IT! The HSC has not finished, it has merely begun! Maybe changeit to "The HSC has arrived" "The HSC is underway" ? "The HSC has started"...
  16. Counterfeit

    Dates of texts.. WHY!!??

    I keep seeing people posting and asking about the dates of their prescribed texts and the texts in the stimulus booklet... WHY would u ever mention these In an essay? Like related texts are another matter, but as if the examiners don't know the dates of the other texts. So people who are...
  17. Counterfeit

    Equal Rank

    Yet another question concerning rankings... But I have to know. Ok. In english i am ranked equal 9th. I was 9th on my own, but then person number 10 got moved up (why do they let english teachers do maths!!??) Anyway! How will that affect me in the HSC? Should i campain to get my lone...
  18. Counterfeit

    Texas T1-83 plus

    I recently had my cassio graphics calculator stolen (grrr!) and there was no way i was gonna for out about $200 to get a new graphics. ANWAY here is my dillema, i borrowed a Texas Graphics T1-83 plus from a friend but i dont have a clue how to use it and neither does she (she had to buy it in...
  19. Counterfeit

    Brain... Melt...

    Wow, studying has turned me into a social retard... or maybe just a retard in general... while im studying i tend to find my self doing really demnted things such as tuning out and just banging the desk repetitively, but to no rhythm or i subconciously twitch, like i pull really odd faces...
  20. Counterfeit

    Not smart yet...

    I always figured that by the time the HSC was <1 month away i would be really smart. Like all trained up, an efficient study machine, all knowledgeable and motivated. It just hasn't happened. Im still me. Restless, flippant and quite "dumb". WHERE IS MY HSC MIRACLE!!?? Even when i...