My girlfriend is starting to see her boy bestfriend (no past, no history, no physical whatever, just friends for a long long long time) alot more than she is seeing me.. I could maybe say shes making more time for him than me.. Do I have to right to be mad or worried? It seems silly, I'm just wondering where I can rightfully stand lol.
-=Answer that question in this seperate scenario=-
They haven't seen each other in a couple of years, but still kept in touch..
( btw can't wait for the dumb replies will send
and in general, can girls have boy bestfriends who are COMPLETELY at the friend zone? i mean no physical attraction or emotional attraction beyond the bounds of a friendship?
-=Answer that question in this seperate scenario=-
They haven't seen each other in a couple of years, but still kept in touch..
( btw can't wait for the dumb replies will send
and in general, can girls have boy bestfriends who are COMPLETELY at the friend zone? i mean no physical attraction or emotional attraction beyond the bounds of a friendship?
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