One possible solution:
Note that these functions are inverses when

\pi)/8) )
be the solutions to

Now if
then we know that any solution

 = w_n )
for some


to both sides, so we get
Because we have an explicit formula for

we're now done, but we can use part i) to get a nicer form for the solutions.
From part i), we know that
 = i \cot(\theta/2))
for any
on the unit circle.
(Geometrically, this means that

sends the unit circle to the imaginary axis. In other words, all our solutions will be purely imaginary.)
From here, we just need to evaluate
The co-tangent function has periodicity

, so take

to obtain the full set of solutions.
Pedantic note: We show here that every solution

corresponds to a
for some

Technically, we should also explain why every
is a valid solution

This is because there are exactly eight possible values each for


None of these values are


, so the function

is a one-to-one mapping between these sets.
Fun fact:


are examples of Möbius transformations - transformations of the type
Such transformations in the complex plane send a line or circle to another line or circle.