this, i guess ...basically i agree wholeheartedly with those who have said that a lover can/should be a best friend too
i guess there's a valid point re: op's best friend thing, but like... how many people actually have
romantic feelings for their "best friend"? and what about people whose best friend is of the same sex, lol
it sounds like a fucked up thing to say/think but it's true;
any relationship can potentially lose its intimacy/passion at some stage, whether it's someone you have known really well your entire life or a person you met at a club whilst drunk as fuck. and i guess as a general rule this is more likely to happen to people who have been in many relationships in the past... in particular people who for some strange reason feel as though they like... can't survive without a boyfriend/girlfriend or something
but yeah, i don't really think like this anyway

it's so like.... negative and if you're going to be all pessimistic about the future of your relationship then you probably shouldn't be in one lol