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Masterplan for UNCLE (2 Viewers)


Shake the sauce bottle yo
Mar 7, 2003
What do you guys think?

I really think it's obvious that they need better access from Shortland Courtyard to the Hunter side of Campus. At the moment, crossing sides is a pain, hence I hardly ever go over to the Hunter side.

Now, if they opened up the uni a bit and made better use of space, that would be swell. Anyway, there are some good concepts with emphasising the 'spine' of the uni, and making a more obvious entry point to the uni.

Also, they need to make better use of the Shortland Courtyard and areas around the library. Guess it doesn't help with the path from shortland to the Great Hall running up a hill though.


Masterplan 2008 Summary

EDIT: The full Strategic Masterplan here.
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Feb 16, 2004
I'm actually really interested to see this. I opened the email and the web page but didn't get time to read it, and now I'm just fuck-off tired. But (without knowing anything about it)..wtf are they gonna do? Bulldoze the entire thing and start again? Lol. I guess this will be a very long-running process.

Sif make it nice when I leave. Though I love the uni as it is, awww <3.
I think I'll read this tomorrow, zzzz.


Shake the sauce bottle yo
Mar 7, 2003
em_516 said:
I'm actually really interested to see this. I opened the email and the web page but didn't get time to read it, and now I'm just fuck-off tired. But (without knowing anything about it)..wtf are they gonna do? Bulldoze the entire thing and start again? Lol. I guess this will be a very long-running process.

Sif make it nice when I leave. Though I love the uni as it is, awww <3.
I think I'll read this tomorrow, zzzz.
The masterplan is pretty light on details, but I think it really hits the nail on the head with a lot of problems that the campus faces with its current format.

A couple of ideas I saw were:

- Multi-Storey Carparks placed strategically across the campus.
- Redeveloping the Hunter building
- Moving the accommodation to alongside the main access road (running from Engineering through to the Forum).
- Highlighting the entry at the traffic light on University Drive as the 'main entry' to the campus.
- Designing a massive walking track that runs around the uni and under the main walk bridge from Shortland to Hunter.

This all costs money, and how willing the university is to spend the money required on implementing even some of the concepts, remains to be seen.

I really do hope they invest strongly into some of these concepts raised, because for the amount of land the university holds, it's pretty pathetic that they cant make better use of it, even in a pure business sense. There's so much land, with absolutely nothing on it, and areas that do have buildings are separated (Shortland/Hunter).

Pffft, sif go over to Hunter. :rolleyes:

EDIT: I wonder how much this strategic masterplan cost the uni? Will ask around and see if I cant get some details.
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Feb 16, 2004
That is pretty fucking epic though man. What's the time-frame on this thing? Coz like, you know, people go to uni..
Anyway, I won't comment anymore until I actually read the damn thing haha.

Loal Hunter. Step 1: Esplode Hunter building. Step 2: Disperse Hunter building classes throughout the Shortland side.
That said, I'm not sure I could stand being on the same side as PE teachers. :p


Shake the sauce bottle yo
Mar 7, 2003
No idea of the time period, or how they would implement these ideas.

But, they would be done in 3 phases apparently. Check pages 38 - 41 of the full doc.

Sigh. These things look good, and the campus is ripe for development. Somehow though, I don't see these plans being pushed through for a while yet. There's also talk of expanding the City campus to through partnering of other businesses in the CBD. But, the CBD has massive parking issues.

What's crackin for the wknd, m?
Oct 27, 2004
It's what I want that's easy. It's getting it that
I'd love to see more development of business/law in the city. Newcastle west and around university house and the con would be perfect. Who says uts has to be the only towering campus. This might be hindered if the trainline was cut meaning people practising law in particular, but also business would need to travel from Newcastle east to civic.

In regards to the Callaghan campus, I always thought the shortland entrance was the main one considering the great hall is there. I also think the shutle could be more effectively utilized or expanded upon.
Also 100% in favour of more multistorey carparks and complementary staff parking tickets (restricting staff to staff parks like students are restricted to general parking)
Also need more accomodation. The space between the shortland-hunter pathway and the road past engineering before the chancellery is prime land location-wise but would probably be better suited to classrooms, but things like nutrition, OT, physio, nursing could be moved there closer to the science, med science and life sciences buildings. That said, teachers have a raw deal with education stuff happening over at hunter and the speciality stuff (like hsie, science, maths etc) happening over at shortland so they should probably gain priority regardless of their reputation.
Perhaps the hunter side could become a residential centre (like a full community with shops, freely open to all students during the day but housing others at night.)
Then the shortland side could be the academic centre. I think dividing and consolidating the respective focuses and identities of the two 'sides' would be more beneficial than simply sprinkling accomodation amongst classrooms and so on.

Will post more later.
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mr jumb
Jun 24, 2004
I just want more parking. They need to build a multistory in engineering imo.


Feb 16, 2004
Finally read the damn thing. Here goes:

- the spine. Does sound like a good idea, definitely Shortland/Hunter-wise, but looking at the maps of it, the 'entry axis' is VERY central to the Hunter side. Cut. They've made it look like it's even but that's bullshit. The right side only leads to Warabrook station. It's still a looong walk from the main entrance to Shortland side :(

- multi-deck car parking. Niiiice. Though only at Architecture, Engineering and on the Hunter side, but still, it'll help! That said, in the design guidelines it says "Should include active uses at ground level, such as retail, to activate its frontage when located next to the Campus Spine or other significant public spaces". Um..waste of car park space again surely? Isn't a car park just a car park and no one really cares if they look like a big chunk of cement because you can finally park your car with ease? Hmm. I guess we can expect the price of parking to rise reasonably significantly though. Eek. So glad I'm almost done.

- the event space sounds good but I can't picture where it would actually be, even with the map there. All I can think of is that it would replace the sports field near the Commonwealth bank? Surely they wouldn't get rid of that though, so..I dunno.

- What's with the 'Key public realm devoid of activity/meaning'? Pretty sure they've circled the walkway and grassy area towards the Great Hall yeh? As if it's 'devoid of activity/meaning' :S People sit out there all the time. It's prolly one of the nicer places to walk through.

- Wtf is the Campus Heart on the Hunter side? :( Everyone goes to the Union building, why can't that be? Nooo. Does anyone even actually like the Hunter building? Yuck, it's the most depressing, cold, convuluted mess.

- discipline-based precincts. Apparently we won't be having Business/Law anymore :p (Health & Sciences; Architecture; Engineering; Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences; Sports and Rec) Shame.

- my favourite bit is 'Embody sustainable design principles' after everything. Makes it seem a lot less credible haha.

- moving the residential colleges is a pretty good idea though I think. The kiddies will love the new buildings and then yeh, a LOT of land will be freed up for development.

The phase thing makes sense. Though I'd love to know a real time-frame for this, dates even. Ah wells.
Ultimately though I'm annoyed that the Hunter side is the main focus. Stupid Hunter people.

Chris, this weekend I have the delightful pleasure of studying my butt off (when not reading master plans). But tonight I'm going to the ball :eek: How bout you?
Oct 27, 2004
It's what I want that's easy. It's getting it that
I don't understand why the hunter side would ever be considered the heart of the Uni. The shortland side already acts as the cereal location to the vast majority of disciplines. Auchmuty is on shortland side and is undergoing renovation. Aesthetically, it's miles ahead of hunter side. And the union building is better to eat in, study in and meet people. The hunter building is a terrible example of 70s architecture which is rife at the uni - completely devoid of any abilty to promte a sense of community. There's so many rabbit-warren corridors and abandoned pocket courtyards. It really would be more impressive if it were knocked down.
I haven't read the plan coz I'm on my iPod but I firmly believe that making shortland the epicenter of the uni makes much more sense. Even from an aethetic viewpoint, entering via shortland is so much more impressive with the long plaza to the towering Great Hall, the ICT building and even the trees offering shade. Entering via hunter just leads u into rolling hills of sunbaked asphalt and ugly buldings that connect weakly with the roads around them, instead focusing on the pedestrian traffic between the two sides.
Shortland is better.


Shake the sauce bottle yo
Mar 7, 2003
The_highwayman said:
I don't understand why the hunter side would ever be considered the heart of the Uni. The shortland side already acts as the cereal location to the vast majority of disciplines. Auchmuty is on shortland side and is undergoing renovation. Aesthetically, it's miles ahead of hunter side. And the union building is better to eat in, study in and meet people. The hunter building is a terrible example of 70s architecture which is rife at the uni - completely devoid of any abilty to promte a sense of community. There's so many rabbit-warren corridors and abandoned pocket courtyards. It really would be more impressive if it were knocked down.
I haven't read the plan coz I'm on my iPod but I firmly believe that making shortland the epicenter of the uni makes much more sense. Even from an aethetic viewpoint, entering via shortland is so much more impressive with the long plaza to the towering Great Hall, the ICT building and even the trees offering shade. Entering via hunter just leads u into rolling hills of sunbaked asphalt and ugly buildings that connect weakly with the roads around them, instead focusing on the pedestrian traffic between the two sides.
Shortland is better.
It's purely because the main arterial road at the traffic lights cuts the campus 'in half'. On a practical scale though, this couldn't be further from the truth. They also mentioned that the Hunter side had the most potential for development and expansion because of the vast undeveloped land available, whereas Shortland is pretty well accommodated as is, and there aren't as many areas for potential development.

Also, in all my three years here, I haven't actually sat in any courtyards in the Hunter area. I've probably been there a handful of times. On the other hand though, I bet there would be a tonne of students with classes over at Hunter that would migrate across to Shortland for lunches, meetings etc, for the exact reasons you mentioned.

The obvious choice would be Shortland for the 'epicentre' of the uni, but I guess they see the reality as being that unless focus is directed onto the Hunter side of the campus (so that the spotlight is put on the massive neglect), then maybe Hunter will continue in it's dilapidated state.

They need to make the decision that Hunter is the main centre of the uni, develop the shit out of it, improve access and transition across the campus, improve parking across the uni and allow private enterprise to use the land where the current student accomodation is. Otherwise, I guess they will face a continuation of the current clustering between Shortland and Hunter, with minimal improvements to Hunter. *shrugs* :/

The above is quite difficult for me to say, because I really like Shortland and agree with what you said. I work at the library, and the courtyard area is awesome in late afternoon. Plenty of tree's etc. Just much more relaxing then Hunter. So at the moment, it's the obvious choice. Long-term though, it's going to exacerbate the current problems.

My 2c.
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Oct 27, 2004
It's what I want that's easy. It's getting it that
the only advantage i can see to redirecting the focus to the hunter side is the proximity to the train station. I still believe that making a 'residential side' and an 'academic side' is the most sensible option.

The traffic lights only cut the uni in half spatially but fail to do so in any other sense. In my opinion, the bushland between the two sides acts as the biggest hindrance to cohesiveness.
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Horse liberty
Jul 17, 2007
I think the accomodation is perfect where it is, way out in the middle of nowhere, close to the bar. Students don't mind the walk and I don't see how cramming the core of the campus unnecessarily with accomodation buildings facilitates cultural or academic life.

Why would you want to free up the land way out here for development? There's plenty of space around the existing hubs for development.

The main problems with the uni at present imo is the erosion of cultural life, and the authoritarian attitude of much of the administration to student life. For the most obvious examples witness the changes in autonomy day and the insane alcohol, drug, college life policies that have come into place in on-campus accomodation in the last two years.

I also get the feeling, though I've never been significantly involved in them myself, that there has been a significant decline in student political and community activities around the uni in recent years.


mr jumb
Jun 24, 2004
Graney said:
...and the insane alcohol, drug, college life policies that have come into place in on-campus accomodation in the last two years.
What like?


Feb 16, 2004
Damn it Chris. As if make the choice of Hunter as the heart make sense. You're right, but god it'll be shit until they develop it. The other thing though is that these miraculous developments are just gonna be boring as shit. They're just gonna be research buildings and conference rooms and shiz. And near the entry way it's gonna be admin and the Chancellory. So..GO SHORTLAND.

EDIT: Fuck I hate when this shit signs you out. Anyway, I think moving the residential colleges is a good idea. Puts them a bit more central, nice new buildings, and they're not on the edge taking up room.
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Oct 27, 2004
It's what I want that's easy. It's getting it that
em_516 said:
Damn it Chris. As if make the choice of Hunter as the heart make sense. You're right, but god it'll be shit until they develop it. The other thing though is that these miraculous developments are just gonna be boring as shit. They're just gonna be research buildings and conference rooms and shiz. And near the entry way it's gonna be admin and the Chancellory. So..GO SHORTLAND.

EDIT: Fuck I hate when this shit signs you out. Anyway, I think moving the residential colleges is a good idea. Puts them a bit more central, nice new buildings, and they're not on the edge taking up room.
isnt the edge the best spot to put residences? isnt that the same reason u have CBDs and suburbs?
u put communal areas in one location, and then group the housing around that.
the most appropriate communal area is shortland atm. It'd be much cheaper to redevelop that side of the uni.


Feb 16, 2004
Why can't they be included? I think it's nice..
Callaghan is not a fucking city Matt lol. I think having the residential colleges integrated would boost the social university community, AWWWW.

I don't even think Shortland needs to be redeveloped though :S The buildings aren't broken in my opinion (though I can't vouch for all I suppose). But you guys are right though. The Hunter side is a fucking hole, and redevelopment on that side wouldn't hurt (ok financially yes but eh). I still think Shortland side should be the central side though. It's true, everyone totally migrates to the Union building for lunch and a nicer social atmosphere.

EDIT: That said, I do love BOTH. Move BOTH to the Shortland side and esplode the entire Hunter side. Job done. :p

DOUBLEEDIT: And actually I just wanna add, while I'm not studying, that the current residential 'area' seems really isolated. I don't live on campus, so this is an outsiders perspective, but I don't find the area to be particularly welcoming (I suppose that's not the point but I dunno.). If it was similar to UNE, where there's the campus, and then there's a residential 'campus', that wouldn't be so bad I think, because they've sort of made a little community out there. But here it's all sort of segregated and eh. At least if they were worked into the spine, things might look a bit more active/community-y? I dunno.
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Oct 27, 2004
It's what I want that's easy. It's getting it that
I don't see why general city development theory can't be applied to conceptual strategic planning of a place like uni. It's a suburb unto itself just like jesmond or kotara. In the same way it should be developed around a core focus area. I think the most feasible option is to smarten up shortland, maybe adding a building or two between it and the chancellory. If the hunter side were redeveloped that's great - but it'll also be more expensive. As a result it needs to maintain a seperate, non-competitive character to shortland (eg: as a residrntial hub) or else individuals will continually be pulled between the two areas. Hunter has it's focus now as the site teaching and and Health faculties, but can't compete with shortland's, information centres (auchmuty, aic), it's diverse disciplines or the social character. And, as I've mentioned, teachers themselves are often pulled between the two sides, as are those 'grey disciplines' like biomed and N&D which arent quite health, life sciences or medical sciences individually.
As it stands, there is no cohesiveness or community between the sides. Indeed, there's almost a rivalry between them. I feel that the best solution is to choose one core and make the focus which will be most effective at garnering a community atmosphere, making shortland union, the library and courtyard a melting pot of knowledge, ideas and perspectives which are derived from the individual discipline centres that surround them.

Edit: and everyone knows tanner bar is better.
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Horse liberty
Jul 17, 2007
jumb said:
What like?
Off the top of my head...

Drinking in all communal areas (common room, lounge room, corridors, kitchen etc...) after Xam- banned
Pub crawl (which was one of the highlights of the year)- banned
Any and all drinking games- banned
Unauthorised parties in the common room- banned

Ofcourse, these things still happen to a limited extent, but things are a lot tamer than they used to be.

They've generally eroded the students right to self-govern on campus. There's an elected students rep body, who were utterly opposed to all these measures and were completely ignored. The deputy head of college is a fascist bitch.

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