goldmambo #5.
Wites r discrimin8 against all time m8 
I can get no job, dey go 2 dem curries bro
I can get no job, dey go 2 dem curries bro
a lot of young people are jokingly racist.
I make quite a lot of racist jokes but i'm really mocking the whole stupid idea of racism, not the people of that particular race themselves.
Might some people take it the wrong way? Sure.
They should harden the fuck up and stop worrying that their precious feelings might be hurt by the words of strangers.
i know right? Racist jokes are the shit and especially this one, this is such a fucking hilarious joke, racist jokes like these should be like on igoogle homepage manyeah maybe its not your race, maybe its your yellow skin, slope head, slit eyes and tiny vagina
hahaha, that was pure gold.yeah maybe its not your race, maybe its your yellow skin, slope head, slit eyes and tiny vagina
i do.
dats coz ur not witei only really encounter that stuff online lol
I hate the tweens who call eachother slut and skank and whore, as if they're pet names. Especially this one who decided it was funny to call me a nigga (I'm pasty). She then consequently became embarrassed enough to leg it when she realised I was talking to a black friend.A lot of young people are jokingly racist.
I make quite a lot of racist jokes but I'm really mocking the whole stupid idea of racism, not the people of that particular race themselves.
Some of them are. I often have a laugh at them.Racist jokes are funny because they are taking the piss. They only effect the people who're embarrassed lol.
You are doing exactly what white racists do. Just because people with the same coloured skin as you tend on average to be richer or historically more powerful doesn't help some poor white person who is actually victimized.David Spade, you're a joke mate. Racism against us whites is a non-issue. We've been the dominant race on the earth for hundreds of years, and haven't faced a fraction of the discrimination and hardship many races have. As far as I'm concerned, the use of the "racism against whites" card is just the new defense of racists. "Oh no, they're on to me and my fucked up ways, I better start fighting fire with fire."
We are not responsible for the actions of our ancestors. You can't lump the actions of one race all together and blame everyone in that race for one thing, because that's racism you idiot.Do you think that "abo" would have been so resentful towards you if his entire culture and ancestors weren't screwed over by our arrival?
So maybe it's not the aboriginal's fault he is racist, just like it might not be some white person's fault that they are raised to be racist by poorly educated parents. So what? It's still racism which is all he ever claimed.Oh no, he threatened to cut you! Get real motherfucker. There's been a genocide of his people going on for 200 years. If he has a shit socioeconomic status (the reason he could've turned to vice etc) it's because he's been shut out of education, health care, the mainstream.
Not true at all. Racism has been around in almost every culture ever since the oldest recorded history.Regardless, racism towards whites is merely a product of our racism towards other races. Racism breeds racism. Theirs is in defense, ours is just in pure ignorance.
Exactly, the whole concept of race is stupid anyway.Having said all that, you should realise "race" as we know it - a biological difference - is actually an illusion. We all originated in the same place, from the same genetics, the same tribes. We're all people. Genetic differences between races are the same as the differences two people, even of the same race, might have from one another. Short vs. tall, blond vs. red, blue eyes vs. green. Except they've developed en masse because of the lifestyles and environments of certain peoples around the world. And somehow over the years, fucktards have decided that these differences warrant a social construction, a perception of some as "inferior". It's mindbogglingly stupid, it really is.
There's a line between joking about looks/mannerisms of a race and then saying something out of a neo-nazi testament.Some of them are. I often have a laugh at them.
But not the ones like some douche just posted on here.
They're just filthy.
They compare African American babies to shit. Portray them as worse than dog's balls. That's only funny to people who are actually nastily racist, who consider non-whites subhuman.
If you think the incidence of "poor white people" being victimised is as high or disturbing as those of other ethnicities, then you're deluded.You are doing exactly what white racists do. Just because people with the same coloured skin as you tend on average to be richer or historically more powerful doesn't help some poor white person who is actually victimized.
So who's supposed to fix the situation our ancestors left behind? Do we just leave the Aborigines, with the irreversible damage to their culture? You're wrong, we are responsible for solving the problems our ancestors created. It's our moral obligation. Just like if a member of your family punches someone in the head and smashes their window and then runs away, you can apologise and pay for the damage. Sure, you're not responsible for his actions, but you'd be a fair prick not to help fix it all.We are not responsible for the actions of our ancestors. You can't lump the actions of one race all together and blame everyone in that race for one thing, because that's racism you idiot.
I doubt something of that intellectual complexity goes through his mind when he bags out Aborigines. It's more just "fucking nigger".So maybe it's not the aboriginal's fault he is racist, just like it might not be some white person's fault that they are raised to be racist by poorly educated parents. So what? It's still racism which is all he ever claimed.
Yeah, well if you pay attention, I'm talking about Western/European racism. Obviously racism is somewhat universal, but I'm talking about the racism I see in my context.Not true at all. Racism has been around in almost every culture ever since the oldest recorded history.
Um, you've just done it as well, you knob.Exactly, the whole concept of race is stupid anyway.
But then you go on to talk about WHITES as a race, and all the terrible things WHITES have done.
WTF is wrong with you?
The rates are higher for non whites, but you said in the post I was replying to: "Racism against us whites is a non-issue."If you think the incidence of "poor white people" being victimised is as high or disturbing as those of other ethnicities, then you're deluded.
Irrelevant to the topic of racism. It doesn't change the fact that some Aboriginies are racist towards whites.So who's supposed to fix the situation our ancestors left behind? Do we just leave the Aborigines, with the irreversible damage to their culture?
Why should I help because someone in my family does something wrong. I don't accept that for a moment, its not recognised by the legal system or even generally. Its also a weak analogy because a family member who you may live with today is very, very different from a distant relative you never even knew.You're wrong, we are responsible for solving the problems our ancestors created. It's our moral obligation. Just like if a member of your family punches someone in the head and smashes their window and then runs away, you can apologise and pay for the damage. Sure, you're not responsible for his actions, but you'd be a fair prick not to help fix it all.
I was paying attention to what you said.Yeah, well if you pay attention, I'm talking about Western/European racism. Obviously racism is somewhat universal, but I'm talking about the racism I see in my context.
I did not make any sweeping generalizations about any particular race like you did. Point out where I did.Um, you've just done it as well, you knob.
No, I'm not. I still regard it as a non-issue. It's so negligible, so insignificant, that I regard it as a non-issue.The rates are higher for non whites, but you said in the post I was replying to: "Racism against us whites is a non-issue."
Now you're backtracking, it is still an issue for some people.
Irrelevant? Even though it's a direct result of racism? Okay, there's racism towards whites from Aborigines. Granted, now please, tell me what that's doing to our standard of living, our quality of life. The unemployment rate with Aborigines is about 35%, ours about 5%. They die 17 years earlier. More likely to be imprisoned than go to university. And countless other figures that illustrate their disadvantage, which is a result of white racism. Give me some equally devastating statistics about the implications of Aboriginal racism on white people in the big picture. Go on.Irrelevant to the topic of racism. It doesn't change the fact that some Aboriginies are racist towards whites.
Well if morals aren't recognised by the legal system then I suppose we shouldn't pay any attention to them.Why should I help because someone in my family does something wrong. I don't accept that for a moment, its not recognised by the legal system or even generally. Its also a weak analogy because a family member who you may live with today is very, very different from a distant relative you never even knew.
Um, you're in Australia right now, unless I'm sorely mistaken. And all "this stuff" is still happening to the "abbos".Also like many Australians my family immigrated to this country quite recently. My ancestors were in Europe when all this stuff was happening to the abbos.
I'm sorry if I implied that this was the only cause, or that I knew all the causes. I don't. But it's certainly a significant one.I was paying attention to what you said.
You said "racism towards whites is merely a product of our racism towards other races." This is provably untrue. How can you even presume to know all the possible causes of racism.
You accused me of being hypocritical in my approach to the concept of race; as I criticised it then also used it. I told you why I did this, and acknowledge you also did it. In referring to "races" doing things, you did it. We were doing exactly the same thing.I did not make any sweeping generalizations about any particular race like you did. Point out where I did.