When I was 8 years old, one of my sisters had just finished her HSC and I was watching TV with her on her bed (she was babysitting me), anyway she was going through some letters and didn't notice one was from UAC, anyway she opened it and it said her UAI was 90.60 and she freaked out, screaming and crying (she was expecting around 75).
So because I was the first person she told, I decided she would be the first person I told. I was wishing to get into the 80s and then I got 96.50 so I called her and she started sobbing, she was so happy hahahaha. My oldest sister got 75, then my brother got 89, then this sister got 90.60 then I got 96

So it steadily went up.
My dad just dropped his mouth and then sat outside for about an hour smoking and shaking his head, repeatedly whispering "96.50..." over and over again (they were expecting me to get in the late 60s, thanks mum and dad, hahaha). Once he'd calmed down he said he'd never been so proud of me and called pretty much all his relatives.
My mum cried. She went to TAFE last year (she dropped out of school at 14) to do early childhood development and was told by a lecturer there that she would be terrible at raising children and has probably made a horrible mother (she's not very academic/'book-smart'). She's now finished her diploma and is at Charles Sturt getting her degree via correspondence.
She's joking about going back to that TAFE to give the lecturer a piece of her mind as one of my sisters just won employee of the year at Photon Group, my other sister won employee of the year at News Limited - The Sunday Telegraph and my brother moved to London 2 months ago to be the head of Russell Invesments for the Asia-Pacific region. I don't really care about the mark, I'm just happy I've made my mum so happy
Dad said he'd be "happy with whatever I'm happy with" and mum said "anything above 50 is a pass and from what i've learnt in the past 2 years, a pass is fantastic."
So to put it simply they were like:jaw: