i started with migrant hostel from skrzynecki, and spoke about the ways in which peter's time as a migrant child moulded his sense of segregation and caused to him initially feel as though he didn't belong within Australian society. I used i think 2 or three quotes, i remember using the personification of the gate and stuff as a symbol of a barrier. then I incorporated my related text onto that, as the protagonist in that text says he always felt like he was on the outside which resonated well.
then I spoke about Feliks Skrzynecki and how Feliks, through his passage of time in AUstralia, was able to form his own sense of identity and interaction with the world around his as he was an individual and listened only to himself and used the 'kept pace only with the jonses' quote and whatnot. and blah blah blah something about his polish friends and then the metaphor of Hadrian's wall...
then I did St Patrick's and all about how his interactions with this world during a specific passage of time were influenced by his own personal experiences there and it was his choice to dislovate his sense of identity. and I used an extended metaphor from that, the simile of 'like a foreign tourist' and the 'uncertain of my destination' part which was symbolic of stuffff which I cant remember anymore! haha. aaaaaaaaand the repetition of 'for eight years' and then I incorporated my related text again....
then i touched on post card to show how his interaction with the surrounding world hasn't improved over time as he has been unable to form an identity for himself due to his own personal experiences. finished with related.

and i have small handwriting so I think thats how I fit it all in.
I tried to address the question as an anthology of poems and synthesise them all in rather than stating 'Im doing this poem and this one and this one' but I think my ending wouldve lost me some marks :'(