i reckon i got 10%. i new absolutely nothing in this exam, i finished it in 15mins, none of what was in there was taught to us by our teacher, and it was just...stupid
Hmm, even though I barely did any revision for this, I think I did pretty well...it was very skills-based, especially the first section....skills that fortunately, for me, my teacher taught.
Ah, well. This subject definitely won't count in my UAI, so I'm not fussed...
Well done to everybody, though. For just about everybody, it's all over now!
that was the best exam. i couldnt have asked for anything else. the qu were really accessible and the essays were all good too. i have needed this one cos i failed all my other exams! thank GOD for art and that paper
the exam was great except the skull prototypes question, u can only say recontextualised, influenced etc so many times! but even that wasnt too bad, the essay was even better...all over for me YAY!!!
Ill post the paper up for you to look at. But Section 11 questions were good. A question for everybody Question 10 was really open and broad. I think it could have fit anybody's artists.
I thought the exam was fair. Section one was great i wrote 2 full booklets. I had Duchamp prepared with 3 others for section 2 so i knew his influence on the 'world' inside and out. Section 2, i did question 3 focusing on Kruger, Duchamp, Atkins and Schnabel!I am hoping i did really well as i got nominated for artexpress, so if i get a good exam mark i'll be stoked!
i loved that exam too... had never looked at any of those artists before, but that didn't bother me... you simply apply what you are told and what you can see in the frames to answer your q's
section 2 was great... what q did everyone do???
i did question 8, so stoked with that exam
I did Question 7 for the essay, used Da Vinci, Duchamp, Stelarc, Orlan and a little Man Ray. Worked very well.
The short-answer questions were shockingly easy. I thought the first one with Julian Ashton was the hardest part of the entire paper. Three aspects of his practice?? Err.. he wears hats while painting?
that was a great exam.
i agree, 1a was a bastard.
but the rest was pure brilliance.
i actually studied duchamps "fountain"
did anyone use humour/parody in 1b.
oh and by the way did any one notice that the artist name in 1b was richard swallow (a.k.a dick swallow) i spent a solid minute just laughing to myself at that one.
good luck everyone.
1 A was a bit wierd but im sure theres plenty of things you could say for it to get the marks...
wat did u guys say the three things were?
i sed artistic training, landscape conventions ( like chooses to work in realistic style) and painting in the outdoors.
i thought 1B was cool...it wud make a cool lamp or something...i sed all the postmodern crap i cud remember...irony...humour, appropriation..some crap about consumerism and society.
1C was good coz i studied cubism and the fountain so i talked about dada movement and cap like that...challenging "high art" and traditional stuff.
oh well if i get b6 ill be heaps happy.
lol i just realised about the name for 1B too...funny shit.