Good Luck everyone for Round 2 tomorrow.
Fuck, lol, worst day ever.
I started at 5.
The SM approached me at 7.30 (store open) and told me that I would have to be the manager today as he needed the actual manager to help longlife. This was ok with me, nothing I'm not used to.
BUT by 8 am, I'd responded to TWO express alerts, which none other than the SM personally called me over the PA for. Then I was on checkouts again from 9 am - 10 am (the whole hour), and again from 11-11.45, and then from 12-12.20.
Whilst somehow being the bakery manager.
Then they let me have my manager back as groceries had apparently managed to track more staff down (yay!) and the dock was in some sort of order (double yay!).
It was ridiculously fucking busy. Customers everywhere. Like, I'm filling our tables and feeling like I was suffocating
(I AM NOT CLAUSTROPHOBIC) because the customers were literally pressing into me, EVERYWHERE. Zomg.
The Area Manager turned up at 2 pm and told me I'd done a very good job

(the SM had introduced me to him, and said that I was more or less the manager today, lol).
Having to do 2 days worth of markdowns raped me for time. Also attempting to find stock to cover tables, lol.
THEN.... In case it wasn't bad enough that I didn't have a lot of staff, that I got thrown into managing the bakery on a public holiday, and had lost my manager for the entire morning, the SM -
knowing that I had signed off and was there on my own time - sent my manager to go to 2 stores like a 45+ minute drive away, to pick up bananas.
Issues here:
- We are bakery department, not produce. Kthx.
Lol. So like all over 2 hours later my manager comes back (this is like, 5.30 pm). He's all...
"wtf are you still doing here i told the SM to send you home!"
I'm like "um, didn't get that message"
Appaz the SM told my manager that he would help me train our inexperienced packer in out the front (pretty much to do markdowns, cover all the tables and fill it, keep it looking generally tiday). The SM knew I was there the whole time, didn't say a word of any of thatm and didn't offer to help, either.
All in all, I worked 5 am - 6 pm, with one tea break all day. I'm fair tired but oh well! Work tomorrow!! Nice late start for me
P.S. Sorry for the long post.
EDIT1: As for sales. I left at 6pm, as I said, and we were on like 5.5k for instore, with 6 hours of trade to go, customers EVERYWHERE, and a fair coverage of bread. Our normal instore Saturday is 3.3k-3.8k. Definitely busier than normal
EDIT2: I got a fucking ridiculous amount of work done today, even though I was a bit annoyed at my SM for what he did, I was proud of myself, and so was he