SHIT wth was i writing! my bad...i meant MBBS, LMAO!+Po1ntDeXt3r+ said:should learn the courses name/acronym before applying for it..
SHIT wth was i writing! my bad...i meant MBBS, LMAO!+Po1ntDeXt3r+ said:should learn the courses name/acronym before applying for it..
UMAT should be abolished? Completely agreed.xxJTxx said:so you guys know umat is bullshit:
s1 49
s2 59
s3 54
total overall: 162
= percentile 72
i did not take the test seriously at all. don't even want to do med any more. i literally guessed all of section one and three..aka...complete guesses NO attempts AT ALL for readings section one texts and no way at all even trying to interpret the patterns.....this was my second time doing umat (last yr got 151..)
umat should be abolished. its a fked up test. make it a knowledge test. see who survives then! haha
i believe it's called the GAMSATxxJTxx said:umat should be abolished. its a fked up test. make it a knowledge test. see who survives then! haha
Zeplyrio:Zephyrio said:S1: 54
S2: 55
S3: 69
Total: 178.
%: 89.
Got a UNSW offer for an interview with them.
I did f2f. Did a few past papers.
Pretty stoked, actually. After scoring 62/110 in f2f's mock trial, it was rear up and head down, studying for this exam.
P.S. Are my UMAT scores actually enough for UNSW med?My predicted UAI was 99.85.
I know how you feel... I got 88% and I feel really dumb now, after browsing this thread.ladadidah said:*hi fives* We got the same UMAT result but I must admit, I feel stupid compared to all these other nuts on this thread.
Nonetheless, that is an excellent umat result, you should get an interview at UNCLE/UNE! Think long and hard about why you would like to do medicine and please speak to your careers advisor, etc. Too many people end up doing medicine for the wrong reasons or regret it by the time it's too late. It's a very long career path and it takes 11+ years of learning just to specialise.Marinatos said:S1: 66
S2: 59
S3: 59
I didn't apply for UNSW, I'm not even sure I want to do medicine. I hadn't done any preparation either, but maybe I should have considering how poorly I did in section 3 comparatively. With my predicted UAI, these results should be good enough to get into medicine at Newcastle (where I live by the way) if I really want to.