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  • i woud recommend a book that i finished a while ago.Its called the lost army by valerio
    Massimo Manfredi i bought it from bankstown(angus and.....).Its written in first person all the way and based on real events so it is a really good book to read and verrrrrrry long.

    Also theres another book in the school library called "journeys" a collection of australian short stories i forgot the authors names because thiers quite a few in their.

    I'm in the same situation as you are write now because iv'e finished all the books in my house and i've read all the good books about ancient greece and science in the school library.

    Have you read the first few chapters of Midnight sun? its coming out late next year.

    Other than that i would just recommend reading biographies or something like that or just watch movies or drama's.Like Dexter or Generation kill.
    Gender Male High School Graduation 2011 Political Views N/A Interests I love playing the Piano and reading. Favourite Music Evanescence Favourite Books The Twilight saga.
    definately marwan
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