Illness Misadventure (1 Viewer)


Active Member
Sep 12, 2023
hey yall so i know that if you miss a HSC exam you can't redo it so i need some advice
i'm really unwell (like not sick as in cold but my body is breaking down kind of sick) and in a lot of pain but my ranks internally (especially for english) aren't up to standards and i feel like i could do a lot better in the HSC. do you think i should still sit the HSC (given i can get out of bed) because it's too risky leaving it up to internal ranks???


Active Member
Sep 12, 2023
also please everyone give me affirmations that my body will magically recover in time for wednesday xxx


Active Member
Sep 12, 2023
but hope u feel better because nothings worse than leaving marks up to fate


Le Phénix Trilingue
Aug 22, 2019
Krak des Chevaliers
Uni Grad
rubypinky:) said:
I was feeling quite sick this week and been excessive sleeping alot. Went to the GP and told me to take supplements- not a big deal just a really bad cold, i think cause of the weather. Had a maths exam today and was not feeling well at all. told the principal and she suggested that I still take the exam as I need to do a catch up exam next week and I will be stressed cause I have other exams. However, she suggested that i still fill out an illness misadventure form afterwards. Sat the exam and got really sick, i was about to vomit and was so dizzy, told the supervisor but they made me sit there cause i was half way in the time. Couldnt focus to do any of the last questions, i literally bombed it, i don't think i'll pass. Once I got the misadventure form, head teacher told me that the mark i get is what I will get - the report for my midyears will just appear with the mark that i got and they will adjust it later in the year comparing if it has a big gap. This is my first time filling out the misadventure form and now im worried about couple of things.

Firstly, although this is a school assessment task, it is still counting towards hsc and what happens to the mark? Does anyone know if there is way i can find out in the end of my ranking or is it never unknown? How do i know they have adjusted it? If they do, how much do they adjust it?
Secondly, since this mark is what im going to get, what happens if i fail and end up getting a grade c or d. That would reduce my chances of getting early entry. Because on my mid year report, it will appear just as it is.
Thridly, do you think i made the right choices? Do you think it wouldve been better for me to fill out a illness form and just done a catch up exam or do you know think what i have done is resonable? Im wondering cause I have more exams upcoming and if i feel still sick Im wondering whats better alternative?
This is because I was quite sick and missed all my time to study, do you think it was a better option to taken it later so I couldve gotten 'extra' time to study and just sit on next when they have a catch up examination. I need opinons and if other people went through this. Please, im taking the hsc this year and Im scared that it will impact me alot.

Thank you

@carrotsss or @jimmysmith560 - advice please.
Sorry to hear that. Please see below:

1. Yes, this school assessment task will count towards your HSC. Specifically, it will be used alongside the rest of your school assessment tasks/exams in the subject to determine your final rank in the subject, which will in turn be used in determining your Assessment Mark as part of the moderation process.

2. Generally speaking, students may be able to determine their ranks by asking their teachers. While NESA will eventually provide your final rank in the subject, that will not be until much later in the year. In terms of adjustments, you can simply compare your rank based on your unfavourable performance against the updated rank (if you are made aware of it). The difference will depend on the mark awarded and the rank that it reflects.

3. It is unlikely that unfavourable performance in one exam will significantly decrease your chances of receiving an early offer. Of course, the specific early entry scheme as well as the degree(s) that you are interested in matter. However, many students typically manage to receive early offers with not-so-great results.

4. I think that submitting an illness/misadventure form is an appropriate course of action and is certainly much better than not doing anything at all and simply accepting a low result. As for the catch-up exam, I am not entirely sure if I understand it correctly. Is it essentially another chance? If so, does submitting an illness/misadventure form prevent you from sitting a catch-up exam?

I hope this helps! 😄


Le Phénix Trilingue
Aug 22, 2019
Krak des Chevaliers
Uni Grad
thanks you @jimmysmith560 . So when i went to talk to the principal, I had two options- either sit for the exam and fill the illness misadventure form. And gets the marks moderated OR Still fill the illness and misadventure form but take the exam next week thursday/ friday so im unwell to do the exam. I chose to sit the exam and get the marks moderated. I don't know if I made a good choice or the afterwards wouldve been better.
Ah, in that case I believe your course of action was appropriate. You should prioritise your health and recovery at this stage. Subsequently, you can focus on your next task for this subject as well as your other subjects.

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