SDD(software design and development) help needed (1 Viewer)


Feb 11, 2021
I have an sdd assignment which requires me to make a written program in Visual Basic that performs the 4 common file maintenance tasks namely: Create, Modify, Delete and Search. My system is a payroll system and I urgently need help in making the current functions for my system. PS willing to pay for someone to help me do this assignment and also wanted to know If anyone knows or if anyone is. a SDD tutor need one urgently

Function Create
Creation relies on functions validate and search
Validate is used to ensure that all data items have the right data type and the
product code is within predefined range
Search performs a linear search of the item exists in the file
The search function created in this module is required in all subsequent modules
After validation and verification of data the new item must be saved to the file
You must submit a file containing at least 10 items
You must provide test data used to test the functionality of the validate and search

Search item
You are expected to use the same search function used in the Create module.
This function accepts the item id and using linear search locates the item in the file,
if the item is found a new function must be called to display all item details.
The display function created for this process will be required in the next two
No test data is needed for this function.
The search function is tested directly with existing items.


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2020
I have an sdd assignment which requires me to make a written program in Visual Basic that performs the 4 common file maintenance tasks namely: Create, Modify, Delete and Search. My system is a payroll system and I urgently need help in making the current functions for my system. PS willing to pay for someone to help me do this assignment and also wanted to know If anyone knows or if anyone is. a SDD tutor need one urgently

Function Create
Creation relies on functions validate and search
Validate is used to ensure that all data items have the right data type and the
product code is within predefined range
Search performs a linear search of the item exists in the file
The search function created in this module is required in all subsequent modules
After validation and verification of data the new item must be saved to the file
You must submit a file containing at least 10 items
You must provide test data used to test the functionality of the validate and search

Search item
You are expected to use the same search function used in the Create module.
This function accepts the item id and using linear search locates the item in the file,
if the item is found a new function must be called to display all item details.
The display function created for this process will be required in the next two
No test data is needed for this function.
The search function is tested directly with existing items.
I am not sure what your background is?

But maybe stackoverflow coud help. Just the appropiate tags so something like <error message> [vba].

You might be able find some resources on vba online like Udemy, youtube or Code Academy.

I feel like I have seen some similar post before?


Active Member
Jul 21, 2016
Linear search is essentially a for loop over an array, followed by an if statement within the for loop until you find your desired value.

Give it a crack mate, post the code here, I'll try to help you.

(former b6 SDD student)

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