The Lesson On How To Approach Life After Graduation. (1 Viewer)


Aug 7, 2021
Uni Grad
Maybe during school, maybe right at the end, maybe while you're in college, or maybe even while you’re in the workforce, you WILL begin to be hit by the existential crisis of what your purpose is in life.

As someone who has devoted 5 years to ‘finding himself’, doing literally nothing but lie in bed and trying to figure out why I wasn’t feeling the same as I did when I was younger and innocent, I found an answer, again, and again, and again.

I kept finding answers, and all of them were wrong.

It wasn’t until I found a pattern in all of these wrong conclusions and anxiously compared it to my ideal self that I was able to come to the essential conclusion of how to genuinely ‘live life’, and feel the same way that I did back then.

For those of you who are feeling lost, or are luckily craving for something more in life, then this thread is for you.

I’m going to tell you all a story in order to get to the soul of the formula, because surprisingly, this isn’t a logical way of problem solving, it’s an intuitive, natural, and spiritual, approach.

(IMPORTANT NOTE: I personally just use the word spiritual, but I know some people have a bias against the word whether because they’re hard headed atheists who aren’t willing to let go of the fact that it sounds too hipster rather than being openminded and just listening what I have to say for what it truly is. There are also other ways biases form, and the braking away of these associations is actually the first and most essential step towards being able to KNOW what I’m talking about in a normal/natural/pure way, rather than biased way, and ACTUALLY benefit from this.)



There are two stages in a person's life that a person will continuously go back and forth between until the day they die:

1 - 'Living life', also known as following the path that is most obvious to you because your life dictates it.

E.g. Go to high school and earn a living.

Assuming that the you now is burdened by knowledge, you can say that when looking back on the earlier years of your life, you were in a state of “ignorance is bliss”. When in this state of ‘ignorance of bliss’, your life would have been or is currently with a sense of clarity/certainty towards what your path is, since it’s just, obvious.

When it comes down to it, it’s obvious in the sense that you needed to go to school, for that was all your life ever was to you.

You had some extent of potential within you, you may have of gotten excited about being the top of your class, anticipated an excursion or holiday, or even hoped for your crush to become your lover.

All of these things were apart of your direct life in someway, totally sensitive to the expereinces you went through, rather than being dissociated, numb, and emotionless.

You had/have this heightened level of emotional bliss, (Even though there are/were definitely short or long-term events in your life that sucked or were maybe even hellish, you as a person can/were naturally in a state of bliss whenever there was a sense of peace, maybe that peace came whenever it was lunch break to have a break from studying, maybe during visual arts class where you didn’t have to try as hard, maybe it was whenever you were with your friends to feel protected, maybe it was only during the weekends because you had no friends to protect you, maybe it was only during the holidays because you didn’t have the pressure to do your homework and got to do whatever you wanted, maybe it was only during excursions because everything in your life feels repetitive - including the holidays -, or maybe you were really lucky and you were always peaceful - so you always had the chance to be blissful during those moments.).

This natural state of bliss being a result of a sense of clarity/certainty because of your ignorance is no mistake. What I mean by this is that back then/now, you engage/d with the world around you, but the reason why you were doing what you were doing didn’t arise as a question, since you were simply going about your life without much thought to it. However, because you were following a particular path regardless, you felt as though some of the things that you were doing were 'needed', whether because of the belief that school was something that was obviously an important fact of reality, or that you didn’t have any particular belief, but inherently just knew that it was something that you needed to go through, considering that your life revolved around it to some extent.

[PS, for those of you who aren’t burdened by whether through the conscious experience of having control over your mind through the natural understanding of these two stages in life, then you can choose whether to continue reading or not since you have that level of self control.

However, for those of you who aren’t burdened by knowledge, but that’s only the case because of chance/accident/luck, then I recommend that you take on this knowledge now, because going through what you have consciously, means that you’ll be saving so much energy and time that you could be putting towards enjoying yourself blissfully instead of an existential crisis that might end up taking your whole life, and probably either a really short one or a pointlessly and painfully long one, just to be freed from your own developed but justified craziness, (Trust me, most people are crazy. Those of you who fit into either stage of life, for they both have elements of purity, are the only truly normal people. As for those of you who are striving to be your ideal self, trust me, your ideal is probably the person that they are because their purity, no matter how innocent or lack there of they have, is the key difference between them and the rest who attempt to do what they do.).]
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Aug 7, 2021
Uni Grad
2 - Purpose, also known as following the path that matters most to you as a result of the past experiences you have gone through that you still feel are significant.

E.g. Become an astronaut, become the richest man/woman in the world, take over the world, become the world's greatest game designer, get your dream job, obtain The Elden Ring IRL (whatever that may be), ect - aka., anything.

Around the time you were/are beginning to think about 'why' are you following the path given to you by life, such as school, was/is also around the time where you began to understand that you could very well have control over which path to take, rather than doing the 'obvious thing' only.

This question usually arises whenever someone begins to realise their potential future is limitless while in a place of limitation in comparison to what dream they have realised for themselves.

There are also those who have an incredible amount of intelligence who are capable of asking such questions before having a dream of their own to call their own, but that’s very rare.

The moment that a dream is realised (which I will elaborate EVERYTHING about purpose/goals/vision/mission/dream, so bare with me for now, those of you who are actively seeking for such answers), means that you would also know that the moment you began craving for something more, you began treating, for example, school like a prison to some extent.

Of course, you should still enjoy the parts of your life that you have commitments to in order to have a stable platform within society, whether that means not having your parents disown you for neglecting your studies that they themselves deem as important (even though you may now think otherwise), or confidently ignoring the fact that neglecting your studies also technically means that you are valuable, with no no safety-net/plan-B to catch you, if you fall off your own path you set.

As for those of you who want to know about how you get a dream of your own, like I mentioned earlier, it’s entirely dependent on what you FEEL is significant to you.

This means that the thing you are inspired by is the thing you aspire to revolve your life around as much as you can until the dream is complete, (if it ends, because there are also dreams of having a family, which means that the goal is just another journey, which is a beautiful and thing, because journeys are like the emotions behind goals but they are the part that doesn’t have an ending when engaging with it. Since once a goal is over, it’s over.

Most feel lost when they complete their goal of finishing school, and that’s why I’m writing this under the pretext of what to do after graduation.).

This stage in your life where you devote yourself towards something that is greater than you (it always has to feel like it’s on a pedestal, trust me, you can’t fake it if you think you’re above it, so you need to eliminate/burn-off your ego - which is explained inside of that “IMPORTANT NOTE:” that I mentioned above.), is where you will gain the short but frequent bursts of ecstasy within yourself, something higher/more-significant than bliss.

These are the moments where you literally cry for the thing you’re engaging with, and it’s the best feeling.

I’m sure everyone at some point has felt it, whether it be firsthand or through the main character in a TV show, book, comic, ect.

When you have a purpose, you ARE the main character, and that may as well be a fact of the universe, because to you, everything feels like it revolves around you, despite not paying any attention to yourself except for The Ideal World that you pursue, [gain, this is only possible by burning off the Ego.

Please try to understand what I mean when I talk about associations. After all, I have to literally (just like this start of a statement where I’m purposely picking a tonality to act as though I’m starting it with an attitude as I write this, in order to prove a point when you READ ON AND REFER BACK AFTER YOU FINISH THIS SIDE NOTE!!) account for as much points of misunderstandings that could arise because of various different assumptions that I can think of, just so as to not trigger something within someone when I’m not intending to. Some more examples are things like, saying only “he” when referring to a person who could go through an experience, coming across as sexist, or saying “he/she”, which can be interpreted as an an attempt to suck up to those who get easily but hurt rather than being authentic and pure with my attempts to explain things. Both of these instances within this example result in a potential negative association, so I can only pick and choose things that I assume have statistically less of a warped association, just to get people to read the words that I am saying for what they are. I hope this ‘side note’ (refer back now if you want to know what I was saying just a bit earlier) manages to get you to burn away all of your associations and see every part of reality for the way it is, but hope is all I can do, most people’s egos don’t allow them to think anything past “I already know.” or have a habitual response that goes along the lines of “Wow, I must be smart, because I feel like I’ve already figured this out before on my own.” - that last one is more specific to me, which I would call a trait of crazy, just as I do with every other association and ego-based view.]

Ok, now for a more direct approach towards the answer on HOW to have a purpose, that’s a little less intuitive and hopefully more logical:


Aug 7, 2021
Uni Grad
Imagine that a kid in high school goes through his regular life of doing school work,enjoying his time with friends, playing video games once he gets home, and whatever else you personally felt was normal for the you who was pure and in a state of ‘ignorance is bliss’.

One day, a significant event comes their way, they go on a school excursion, and his entire view of existence begins to evolve.

(I just tested you by saying “his” instead of “his/her”, be AWARE! Although there are good associations such as values in life, have the consciousness to burn off the bad ones at least.)

When he first experienced the significant event that occurred on the day of the excursion, it didn’t seem like much to him at first.

How it started was that his friend next to him was drawing in his sketch book to pass the time while on the bus on the way to the excursion.

“I don’t know why you find that fun. It’s just putting lines on a paper.”, he scoffs at his friend.

“Oh yeah, you think?”


“Then give it a try.”, the friend shoves his sketch book and pencil into the young boy’s hand.

“What the-“

“Just try it, and then tell me what you think about it after.”

“But, I don’t know how to draw.”

“Then try to copy something.”

“I said I don’t know how to.”

“Just do it.”

“*sigh*, you make no sense.”

He doesn’t have anything else to do on the bus anyways other than to do as his friend says to pass time, and so, he begins to draw.

He decides to copy one of the drawings that his friend had already made, since drawing his own hand or the pencil his holding or anything in the real world is too overwhelming to take on.

He tries, and he makes many mistakes without noticing until the very end, when he notices that the head of the character he drew was more like a sausage than an egg shape.

“Damn it.”

“Well, you tried-”

“Give me the eraser.”

Before he knew it, he was already invested with wanting to complete the drawing properly.

“Hm? Yeah, sure.”

As his friend chuckles to himself at the fact that he managed to get his friend interested in the very thing he belittled a moment ago, the young man drawing with a sense of frustration because of the challenge to copy the drawing next to his own, isn’t paying attention to anything else except for his pencil strokes, even forgetting his friend who next to him entirely.

He draws and erases and draws and erases.

Finally, he can recognise a slight resemblance in the head shape.

“Yes!”, he gets excited.

“Wow, good job.”

“Ok, now the facial features.”

He then gets ready to draw the eyes, but he hesitates. He realises that if he were to start drawing the eyes and messes up, considering how small his drawing is, rubbing out the eyes would mean rubbing out the painstakingly crafted head he had just made, and with experience with the first attempt where he did the entire thing, it’s likely that he would deal with the same issue again of the time where he would be up getting the proportions of something’s right, but the proportions of them wrong.

That’s the worst case scenario, since it would mean he would have to run out the entirely rendered section just to draw it again only to be 1mm higher from where it was before for it to look right on the face.

He doesn’t have the confidence to place the line.

However, despite his lack of confidence, his courage to jump into the thing he is scared of, combats against his paralysis in fear.

He begins to carefully draw the eyes.

This goes on throughout the entire bus ride, and before he can finish the second eye, they arrive at their destination.

“We’re here everyone! Time to get ready for swimming!!”

He doesn’t notice the announcement nor the fact that the bus had stopped. His friend nudges his shoulder.

“Ha?! W-what?”, he was about to place a line on the page, and the nudge almost made him mess up.

“We’re here, it’s time to swim.”

“Oh, yeah.”

Everyone excitedly gets off the bus.

He hands over the sketchbook back to his friend with a sense of hesitation and loss.

He grows disappointed.

Once everyone goes to the change rooms, him and his friend go in together.

His friend asks him, “So, what races are you going to do? Any hot girls you’ve got your eyes on?”.

“Hm, yeah.”, he doesn’t know what he just agreed to, his mind is too preoccupied on his friend’s back with the sketchbook.

He longs for completing that drawing.

“What? Seriously?!”

“Hm? What?”

“You just said that you’ve git the hots for a girl!”

“Ha?! No!”, he gets embarrassed.

“Yes you did. You guys heard that, right?”, the friend, being an ass, embarrasses him further for his own amusement by bringing the rest of the boys changing in on the conversation.

He hates being the center of attention, so he begins to change his clothes faster.

Everyone makes joking remarks about how he has a crush, even though he doesn’t, and doesn’t raise his voice to explain himself since he gets more scared when speaking up in that sort of situation than not.

He leaves with a flushed face, the first one out of the change rooms, even though he is usually the last.


Aug 7, 2021
Uni Grad
“Hey! You must be excited to swim to be out so quickly!”, his teacher recognises him.

“Um, yeah, I like swimming.”

“What do you plan to be doing?”

“I don’t know, is there a timetable?”

“Yeah, over here.”, the teacher points in the direction of where the timetable is in the outdoor swim centre.

“Thanks.”, he then walks in the direction while keeping his head down, acting as though he is trying to be cautious from slipping on the wet ground rather than hiding his embarrassed expression and shaky voice.

Once he makes it to the timetable, he just stands there, thinking about how embarrassing that situation was.

After some time, he actually decides to think about what race to participate in.

As he stands there, another student comes up behind him to check the same timetable.

Unaware and taking up too much room, the other student tries to signal that she’s there, “Excuse me.”

He gets embarrassed, because it’s a girl who just talked to him, and he rarely comes into contact from any of the girls in his class, let alone one in a swim suit.

He backs off and gives the girl more space for her to see.

“You don’t have to be so far away, you can keep looking as well.”, she gives him a chuckle.


He steps closer, and as a result, the awkward tension can be seen by his friend who just left the change room, “No freaking way, is it actually true?!”, he says to himself from afar.

“What will you be swimming?”, the girl traces her eyes on his topless body, making him feel self-conscious, but not insecure.

“T-The 50m race.”

“Really? I would have expected you to do at least the 100m race.”, she hints something, but he doesn’t pick up on it.

“I-I could, but I don’t think I would win though. Well, not like I’d win in the 50m either, but at least there’s a chance there.”

“Really? That’s a shame. I wouldn’t mind watching you swim more often.”, she goes on the attack.

The young man still doesn’t get the hint, but does begin to think of her as a nice person, ‘She’s a really social person. Maybe I will do it?’, “I-I’ll do it then!”, ‘What am I SAYING?! Don’t word it like THAT! She’ll think I’m doing it for her, even though we just met!’.

She smiles, “That’s great! I’ll be cheering you on.”.

As she walks away, he quickly thinks of the polite thing to do, “W-what about you?”.

She doesn’t hear him.

“W-WHAT, ABOUT YOU?”, he scares her.

“Oh, ahaha, I’m going to do the 150m.”

He’s impressed. The 150m is reserved for the schools top athletes.

“Me too!”


“I’ll cheer you on too-um, also!”

She blushes harder than she already had, “t-thank you.”, she smiles shyly.

They then both part ways.


Aug 7, 2021
Uni Grad
‘Who… was that?’

“WHO! WAS! THAT?!!”, his friend shouts.

“!… just a girl-”


The young man quickly covers his friend’s mouth, “You idiot! It’s not that! I just met her!!”

The friend swats his hand away, “What the hell man! Don’t put your hand on my mouth!”, he gets angry.

“Then stop saying stupid things!”, he gets angry back.

“*tsk*, fine.”, he sighs.

“Anyways, I’m doing the 100m race.”

“What? You’re the stupid one. You’re going to lose. You’ll be up against Jake.”

“I know…”

“Whatever, it’s just an excursion, so do what you like.”

Again, a second calling comes his way. Now he has two potential passions to devote himself to in the future that he doesn’t even know yet:

1 - perhaps drawing

2 - perhaps the girl

Perhaps neither though, by the end of the day, he could just never go back to either of them.


“On your marks… get set… *bang*”

As races go on and the young man waits for the 100m races to begin, he sits impatiently, not bored.

“What’s up with you? Is it the girl?”

“I said stop saying stupid things.”, ‘he’s right on the mark. But… that’s not all.’

He looks at his friends bag, suddenly feeling the urge to draw again.

“What is it then?”

He doesn’t feel determined to take on the sketchbook, so he doesn’t say anything since it’s not something he needs to force his friend to do for him.

“It’s nothing.”

“You were really getting into drawing on the bus earlier by the way.”, his friend mentions.

‘My, how convenient of you to bring up.’, “Yeah, it’s actually pretty enjoyable, though, I wouldn’t call it ‘fun’. It’s like dark souls, you enjoy the game, but it’s not meant to be fun. There’s a difference.”

“Hm, I never thought about it that way.”

“Speaking of which…”, just like the urge to pick up a controller to play dark souls, his favourite game, he REALLY wants to draw, “…can I?”.

He points at his friend’s bag.

“Ha, of course!”, he gets the sketchbook and stationary out of his bag.

“I’m going to go head over to the canteen, I’m hungry waiting.”

“Yeah, sure. And thanks.”, he smiles with joy to his friend.

He opens the sketch book, and when he does, he notices the drawings his friend made in the past.

He sees a lot of drawings of anime girls.

“Wow, these are good.”

He then thinks about the girl in the swim suit he talked to earlier, and gets an idea that he is reluctant to play out.

Despite the reluctance, he risks it, and looks around first and brings the sketchbook closer to his chest as he begins to draw on a new page.

He tries to draw the girl in the swimsuit from memory, completely moving on from the unfinished drawing he tried so hard to complete in the bus.

lots of time passes, and he keeps his ears out to hearfor the announcement “100m boys” and his eyes out for the moment his friend might come back in case he sees the unfinished drawing of the girl in the swimsuit.

‘I haven’t even thought about what I would do when he figures out in drawing the girl. This is his sketchbook after all…’, he continues anyways, enjoying himself too much to stop over such ideas.


Aug 7, 2021
Uni Grad
That’s when the girl he talked to approaches him with a group of girls for emotional support.

‘Oh shit, am I going to be made fun of?’, is his first instinct, while, ‘Crap! I can’t let her see this!’, is his second.

He brings the sketch book closer to his chest as to his the page and his face.

“Hello again!”, the girl calls out as her friends smile and giggle amongst themselves.

‘They’re laughing at me, aren’t they?’, “Hi!”, he waves while trying to play it off as cool.

“What are you drawing?”

He tries to think of something quick, “Just stuff I’m looking at.”.

“Can I see?”

“Sure.”, ‘DAMN IT!!!!!!’

She walks up the stairs towards him as he anticipates the ultimate self humiliation.

He gets scared about what she will think, let alone what she will then go and say to her friends.

‘The change rooms were bad enough, but a group of girls is crippling! Please, don’t tease me.’

His blush is uncontrollable and noticeable on his red cheeks and ears. No matter how hard he tries to hid his embarrassment, she has already noticed.

She decides to sit right next to him, since she’s the one more in control of the situation, and also wants to flaunt to her friends just how much confidence she has.

She looks at the drawing, and stares at it.

She doesn’t judge his drawing skills, but she can recognise what it is he’s trying to draw.

‘A girl in a swimsuit’, she thinks to herself.

She then look at him, and notices that he isn’t making eye contact with her, his just staring at the same drawing she was.

‘Is it me?’, she wonders.

This thought makes her blush, which makes her friends unable to control their laughter.

She gets embarrassed and doesn’t know what to concern herself with, she lost control.

The young man waits for her response, but she doesn’t say anything, which makes him finally look at her.

He sees her flushed and surprised face.

‘She’s… so beautiful. So cute.’

He blushes for a different reason now, no longer embarrassment.

“T-that’s a nice drawing.”, she finally speaks, ‘I really want to ask him if it’s me, but if it’s not, then the embarrassment would kill me!!!’.

“Thanks.”, his voice is croaky.

He fidgets with his idea on how to continue the conversation, “D-do you want to have a go?”.


“Yeah, it’s really fun- I mean, enjoyable.”

“Um.”, she glanced at her friends. Some are watching in support while others are treating it as a dramatic movie.

The friends who are supporting cue her with a nod as to tell her to be confident.

Even though her friends didn’t know what they were talking up there, she used that as courage to try something new in order to get on the young man’s good side, “ok.”.

He hands over the sketchbook and pencil to her while trying not to show that his hands are shaking, and once it’s in her hands, she gets a closer look at the sketch he made, ‘The proportions are off, but, I can definitely tell that this is supposed to be me.’.

She then gets an idea.

“Can I draw you?”

“Me?”, he becomes self conscious again, and this time he tenses his abs, since because he is sitting down, any hint of belly fat, if any, would be more noticeable, which was an issue for him in the past when he was fat.

“O-only if you want to.”

“I-it’s fine.”

She widens her mouth to ask again if he’s fine with it, since the word ‘find’ isn’t reassuring enough, but she stops herself, ‘If I insist, I wouldn’t actually be able to, would I? Maybe there’s such a thing as being too polite?’.

She nods to herself, “Then give me a pose.”.

“Ah-“, he starts trying to raise his arms and try to rest them in a way that looks relaxed, but he can’t make it look natural. He decides to pick a posture even though it doesn’t feel natural, because if he feels like if he had to try any harder, he would then feel like he failed, even though it’s just posing and nothing serious.

The girl notices his awkwardness, and finds it cute, “Here, let me help you.”, she gains control again.

Even though he stiffens up at first, she doesn’t pull back, and waits for him to get ready for her to touch his arms.

“Something like… this. There we go! Hold it right there.”, she smiles.

The young man feels his senses heighten. Every muscle spasm in his body gives him a spike of adrenaline with the fear that she would see him shiver from the situation, but the thing is, he doesn’t hate it, in all honesty, it’s the best thing that’s ever happened to him.

He just looks around, but mostly looks at her while in this moment. As time passes, the girl’s friends who were there just for the show begin to slowly leave, while those who are there for her begin to hang out with one another without leaving their spot that they were already at, for spatial support.


Aug 7, 2021
Uni Grad
Eventually, the guy calms down, and he just feels warm in her presence, observing every subtitle lip bite, scrunching of the eyebrows, and facial expression that appears at every little thing that goes through her mind while she concentrates to draw him.

His he doesn’t realise it, but he has been smiling softly the whole time.

As she has been drawing him, although she felt like at the start to rush the drawing out of her own self-consciousness for maybe being too slow, she decided to take it seriously as to not raise suspicion that she was also feeling a little powerless. However, now whenever she looks up at him to draw, she feels the need to look back down quickly in order to stop herself from staring too long into his eyes.

The situation doesn’t feel that good to her anymore since she is feeling a constant struggle from drawing the first time, plus the fact that things aren’t flirtatious anymore to her.

[This is an important thing to take note of, for it will also be mentioned after this incredibly long, but I believe necessary (and just enjoyable for me to write and maybe for you too to read at this point), daydream.]

She tries to think of something to talk about.

He speaks first, “So, what brought you here?”, he asks curiously.



Ok, this has been more than a day in the making, and I’m too lazy, but I hope you get the idea that afterwards, you can imagine that the young man will begin to continue having cravings of trying to get better at drawing, while also having the craving to get closer to the girl and would separate both parts of his life into two different instances that he considers both as personal.

However, his life is no longer one of JUST living life, if anything, the more time that goes on where he engages with his personal interests, the more he will work towards his ideal world where he gets to spend more time on them.

The freedom, the privilege to have the things he personally enjoys in his life more often is what makes him then do the things he isn’t emotionally attached to, and treats them as part of the things he enjoys anyways since they are indirectly connected to his goals/purpose that is formed as a result of his longing for more engagement with the significant things in his life.

(I’m going around in circles now. I officially ran out of brain.)


Aug 7, 2021
Uni Grad
In conclusion:

The reason why I say that everyone will constantly go back and forth between these two stages in life is a result of the fact that once the dream is over, because it was either fulfilled or it died because of overthinking, all that remains is the path that the world always allows you to go back on; ‘living life’.

Of course, being ordinary isn't the peak of life, but one can enjoy adult life just as much as they enjoyed their best moments in high school in the same, purposeless way, (especially considering the fact that wisdom now has a part to play in order to have control over what emotions you will allow yourself to have).

Just as when the time came when you and I began to think about something better than the most obvious path, or experienced that stage of life through another person we know in either real life or a work of fiction, that was specific to our own desires, we can do it again, or through ourselves for the first time, even in our adulthood.

Living ordinary lives is perfectly fine, but it will be a burden the moment you crave for something more.

If you don't crave for something more, don't think of it as a bad thing because that's just your reality right now. Right now, you're just a kid without a purpose.

But the thing is, when I say "without a purpose", the typical association (another emphasis on this “IMPORTANT NOTE:”. And final reminder, the burning off of associations is the FIRST step, that can of course be worked in tandem with its proceeding steps, is necessary in order to increase both sensitivity to potentially significant events, as well as not confuse such experiences with crazy conclusions, no matter how normal you make it out to be.) to that is a negative connotation, so instead of seeing purposelessness that way, see it for what it is. See it as, "I'm just living life.". Of course, living life means that you're also living an adventure, and to state again, wasn't high school an adventure?

That's what I'm saying. So, the first step to passion is to let go of your serious side.

Let go of everything.

And thus, the natural cycle of the anime protagonist is someone who gets the opportunity to pop out as someone who is special while originating from an ordinary origin, such as high school protagonists.

There is also the pattern of which that stage 2 always begins after a 'big event' takes place. Of course, we want to stay in stage 2 for as long as possible since it's where the spice of drama gets added in, so, the fastest, most surefire way, is to excel at ordinary life, just like a high school prodigy or genius with future main character energy. That’s typically when things get started in almost every storyline anyways.

Oh yeah, and about that mention back to that note about the girl in the daydream I wrote, the fact that she no longer felt ‘good’ after all that time is because their friendship wasn’t established yet, at least, not a genuine one.

As for how it would have looked like if I did keep it up with writing the daydream it would have gone along the lines of:

Their flirtatious vibes begin to upsurge again and reach a peak moment between the two mutually, creating a significant experience.

They then promise to see each other again, and because of the significance experience, instead of regretting making such a promise (if you have commitment issues), they would ANTICIPATE meeting up with one another once again.

The guy’s life would then revolve around the girl whenever he was in his head, and whenever he NOTICED (not thought of forcefully like some routine or schedule, maintaining the purity of his interests) his life would then revolve around the drawing he is engaging with, and that could also include the added fixation of the girl.

That point is used to emphasise the fact that significant events really are the most important thing, even though the first thing needed to be done is increasing your sensitiveness to such experiences through the practice of burning associations (as well as limiting distractions in order to maintain a clear vision of what your current reality/view-of-existence is), in order to walk through the door from the room of stage 1, and into the room of stage 2, consciously. So go out there and make some memories!!

[The End]


Bored Uni Student
Jan 11, 2021
I won't try to convince you to read it all, but I pray that you'll be willing to read it in the future - the sooner the better.
Of course bro u dropping gems (i think) i just need to study this like ppl studying bibles and qurans


Aug 7, 2021
Uni Grad
Of course bro u dropping gems (i think) i just need to study this like ppl studying bibles and qurans
I'm sure it'll feel easy to pick up later. You can always click on my profile, and it'll be somewhere in my status.


Aug 7, 2021
Uni Grad
@Trebla @Hivaclibtibcharkwa @Bored of Studies @Katsumi @enoilgam @BLIT2014 @jimmysmith560 @CM_Tutor @Drdusk @jazz519
Attention all moderators of BOS + my friend.

Please read what I have written because I genuinely believe, with zero-ego about myself and purely talking about this thread, that this thread is so important for users to have a read-through, that it should have as much exposure as possible for those who come onto this site.
Please consider, and no matter how tedious it may be to you all to read this, I promise you that it will be more than worth it.
This is a literal manual on how to approach life in both a mental and spiritual way, explained through logic and storytelling.

Kind Regards, and thank you.
- [Blank]😉


Aug 7, 2021
Uni Grad
@Trebla @Hivaclibtibcharkwa @Bored of Studies @Katsumi @enoilgam @BLIT2014 @jimmysmith560 @CM_Tutor @Drdusk @jazz519
Attention all moderators of BOS + my friend.

Please read what I have written because I genuinely believe, with zero-ego about myself and purely talking about this thread, that this thread is so important for users to have a read-through, that it should have as much exposure as possible for those who come onto this site.
Please consider, and no matter how tedious it may be to you all to read this, I promise you that it will be more than worth it.
This is a literal manual on how to approach life in both a mental and spiritual way, explained through logic and storytelling.

Kind Regards, and thank you.
- [Blank]😉
Including the webmaster hopefully, @brent012


Aug 7, 2021
Uni Grad
I’ll try to turn it into a video to watch instead, but I can’t make any promises since I have my own things to do.
If any of you are feeling lost at any point as for what to do or how to do things in life, then I recommend that you consider reading all this anyways.
The best thing we can do is try to do is to actually do the things that we feel like we should - that only applies of you feel like you should read this of course, and again, I’m telling you that you should.

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