Recent content by 2pmhottest

  1. 2

    Section II

    Guys for Question 27 C GUYSMary has the better chance of winning let me explain this to youMary has 2/100 tickets which is 1/50 which is 2 percent. Jane has 1/100 + 1/100 so she also has 2 percent chanceHOWEVER the question states determine the better chacne of winning AT LEAST one PRIZEso there...
  2. 2

    Section II

    Guys for Question 27 C GUYSMary has the better chance of winning let me explain this to youMary has 2/100 tickets which is 1/50 which is 2 percent. Jane has 1/100 + 1/100 so she also has 2 percent chanceHOWEVER the question states determine the better chacne of winning AT LEAST one PRIZEso there...
  3. 2

    Section II

    man i have no idea how to put gaps into the sentences anyway LOOK AT MY SOLUTION FOR QUESTION 27 C !!!
  4. 2

    Section II

    Guys for Question 27 C GUYSMary has the better chance of winning let me explain this to youMary has 2/100 tickets which is 1/50 which is 2 percent. Jane has 1/100 + 1/100 so she also has 2 percent chanceHOWEVER the question states determine the better chacne of winning AT LEAST one PRIZEso there...
  5. 2

    3u probability

    i don't understand this language soory
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    solve please!

    answer will be 68/2 + 50 which is34 + 50 =84%. am i correct
  7. 2

    Section I - Multiple Choice

    Re: Business Studies Section I: Multiple Choice I had a vision............................................. and .................... the answer for number 1 is............................ E
  8. 2

    Hard test compared to other year?

    this year's test is harder by far... why can't they ask any of the bloody legal things of business... anyway yea it was pretty hard let's just hope