Hey all,
Anybody got the MHIS115 textboks andis looking to sell?
Maps of Time: Introduction to Big History
Big History: From Big Bang to Present
Re: UAI Countdown
Im curious, what is the process for recieving your UAI
Im not going to look at my HSC results - UAI is far more important anyhow
Like can you have it emailled/sms'd/read it in the paper (I probably shouldve thought about this earlier)
WIKIPEDIA: As a literary genre, a memoir (from the French: mémoire from the Latin memoria, meaning "memory"), or a reminiscence, forms a subclass of autobiography – although the terms 'memoir' and 'autobiography' are today almost interchangeable. The author of a memoir may be referred to as a...
17 Oct English
20 English
24 Legal Studies
27 Math 2U
28 Economics AND Modern History
29 3U Math
30 3U English
Who in their right mind would put economics and modern history on the same day; the number of students getting a double exam...