I'm passing..just not in the 90s....i really like maths and dont want to drop it. i was just asking what books and that i could use to help me get better results...
i did the cssa trial paper. i just did my trial this week and my teacher is on retreat so i wont get it back for while. before it took her a couple of weeks to mark my half yearlies so im not gonna hold my breath.
i dont want to drop ext2 because my english mark is really bad and i only have...
are those good for volumes as well? ive pretty much taught myself the whole ext2 course with the exception of 2 topics (only because a different teacher taught me those topics but she doesn't know the other topics that my actual ext2 teacher taught me) volumes is the one im struggling with, i...
I'm using the patel one and fitzpatrick. Marks in ext1 are:
1st assesment: 97%
2nd assessment: 57%
Second assessment was the half yearlies..not so great. I didn't prepare for it. That's probably why I did so bad but my teacher said it was a hard exam and a lot of the people in the class...
I'm the only person doing ext2 maths at my school and I'm finding it really hard. It doesn't help that my teacher isn't that great. My assessment marks so far are 80%, 63% and I'm still waiting for the trial mark to come back. Then I have one more assessment before the hsc. I have a feeling the...