Hello hello, I did latin through NSL and I was wondering how you other latin students (if you exist) went. We don't have much to work with online, so I'd be very curious to know how other schools find the course/exam.
Honestly, fluctuates every year:
For example, last year in English, 0 Band 6's. However, the year before that, we had 8 band 6's and state rank (10th in the state).
So I honestly can't give an accurate account aside from saying generally there's at least 1-4 (depending on the already small...
I go to a rank 70-150 school (fluctuates every year because we have a grade of roughly 40 and are not selective).
Here are my stats:
Maths Adv: 1/21 (91%)
Maths Ext 2/9 (91%)
English Adv 1/22 (95%)
Biology 1/8 (95%)
Chemistry 1/7 (97%)
Latin Cont 2/4 (85%) (this is...