Recent content by Ali G

  1. Ali G

    the new r kelly / j lo song

    R.kelly digs frigin childrun, an' me dig frigin j-lo! :cool:
  2. Ali G

    y ozis dont like soccer...they r more interested in damn rugby and cricket

    Dere iz 2 reasons why Australians don't dig football: 1. dey iz stupid, who else would play rugby where yous stik ya head betweun two grown men's arse, an' lie on da ground wiv uva stinkin', massiv brothas? 2. dey iz lazy, anyone who plays cricket iz da lazy losa, who can not play da...
  3. Ali G

    Da girl for every footy club.

    Chek dis hout fellas. ;) Arsenal - Angelina Jolie - Look good, a bit maverick at times and you know they have the potential to really f**k you over. Aston Villa - Dido - One big hit. Fairly inoffensive really. Birmingham City - Maria Carey - Occasionally interesting, frequently...