Hey, so I was thinking about writing my creative on the Vietnam War but I'm not really sure how to link it to my module which is After the Bomb. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to do this?
Also I know that the test is in 2 days but I need to rewrite my creative because my original one...
There are only 4 students (including me) taking History Extension at my school. I would say that I'm in the top with another student whilst the other two are average. Should I be worried about being dragged down if two of the students do not perform well in both the project and HSC exam?
Hi guys! Right now I'm taking 11 units and my subjects are: 4u English, Legal Studies, Biology, Modern History and History Extension. I'm really stumped as to whether I should drop History Extension or not though. I want to keep it so I have 11 units and some sort of a "safety net" because...
I think my school does the viva voce earlier than everyone else. I was really only asked about my journey to extension 2 (what lead me to where I am now), my idea for my project and my plan for how I'll complete it. I only had to do the viva voce with my ext 2 teacher so it was more of a guided...
I was definitely procrastinating more than I did in year 11, probably because I was beginning to get sick of assessments. Hopefully I'll recharge over Christmas break and get into the habit of studying regularly!
So far I've scored 100% in Advanced, Ext 2 Viva Voce and Legal but only 76% in Bio...
For ENX2 I haven't really thought much about what I'll do because I'm still trying to think of what form I want to use and for HEX I've thought up possible topics but I won't need to focus on the major until finishing the class content.
Hello! I'm Alice and my subjects are Adv Eng, ENX1 and ENX2, Legal Studies, Biology, Modern His and His Ext.
My ATAR aim is 90+ and I'm looking into criminology/criminal justice and law at UNSW.
Good luck to all other 2018ers, hope everyone has a good year :smile:
Hi! In about a week I will be starting the HSC course and I was wondering if anyone has any advice/general tips for year 12 or in relation to the following subjects:
Advanced English
Extension 1 English
Extension 2 English
Legal Studies
Modern History
History Extension
Hi, if anyone has any yearly past papers/links to past papers for the following subjects it would be much appreciated!
English Extension
English Advanced
Modern History
Legal Studies
French Beginners
Also if anyone has tips in relation to studying for any of those...
I'm currently in Year 11 and take the following subjects:
Advanced English
Extension 1 English
Legal Studies
Modern History
French Beginners
For Year 12 i'm considering taking the following subjects:
Advanced English
Extension 1 English
Extension 2 English...
I memorised both, yes. However, more-so the essay word-for-word and only the storyline for the creative so I could adapt it during the test. My essay would've been around 1k and my creative a bit less, maybe around 800.