Recent content by alishasharma

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    how to apply for university of adel?

    I am applying for the SATAC online and its asking for my candidate number? Is it my BOS number?
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    how to apply for university of adel?

    What is SATAC? and yes, im talking about undergraduate
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    how to apply for uni of adel?

    I'm applying for as many uni's for med: unsw uws uni of newengland uni of griffith but uni of adel isnt uder the uac thing? which other unis offer med? any help much appreciated
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    how to apply for university of adel?

    I'm applying for as many uni's for med: unsw uws uni of newengland uni of griffith but uni of adel isnt uder the uac thing? which other unis offer med? any help much appreciated :)
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    raw mark in chem for 95?

    i meant a scaled mark of 95? btw nice work...did u get state rank for chem?
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    raw mark in chem for 95?

    what do u think the raw mark in chem for an overall mark of 95 be? I know chem scales pretty well...
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    Eng trial mark

    no the exam papers were double marked
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    Eng trial mark

    Im aiming for 95% in adv eng For trials I got 91% and my overall school mark is around 89% Any chance? School rank - top 50
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    Which uni is best for med?

    I think my atar will be around the 98-99 range so it's impossible to go to usyd. So left is unsw and uws..which is better? Not sure about my umat score though but I will get five bonus points If I go to uws coz I live in the region
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    Best way to study for MX1 HSC now?

    so i recently bought the fitzpatrick 3u maths book...was thinking of doing almost every q in the book and then kill all the hsc papers... is that the right way? what is everyone else doing? also are there any worked solutions available for the book?
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    Cssa 2010 biology

    also could someone plz kindly upload this years paper?
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    How to improve bio marks?

    so far my marks for internals are around 70% I really want a band 6 in bio ... is it still possible if i study really hard for the externals?
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    2011 trial uploads!!!

    Re: James ruse 2011 trial papers? haha thanks. let me know when u get hold of them thnx :)
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    still possible to get 99+ ATAR?

    So for my marks for the trials have been in the 80's range and I'm hoping to get an ATAR of atleast 99 my subs are: maths 3u, eng, chem, bio and eco my schools in the top 20/30 is it still possible if study really hard from now to the HSC?
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    2011 trial uploads!!!

    James ruse 2011 trial papers? Could anyone please upload them for maths (3U), chem and bio? would be much appreciated