Recent content by anomynouss

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    accounting for business final exam!!

    hey spence! wanna explain why they were so hard? any particular questions u remember? haha im so worried!!!!
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    accounting for business final exam!!

    i think most people in here wouldve done the exam previously. any tips? i had a quick browse and noticed we need to know exchange rates US$, gold$ and oil?? i know he mentioned something about telstra's change of CEO in the last lec, but i have no idea anything else its still 75MC...
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    Doing the subjects Company Law and Taxation Law together too crazy?

    amaccas- im doing a bachelor of business, majoring in accounting and finance. my main concern is the workload for the 2 law subjcts, i won't be able to add subject to have 4 subjects this semester anyways becuase of the whole prerequisites thing. i did the core law subejct at UWS and got a...
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    Doing the subjects Company Law and Taxation Law together too crazy?

    So basically I've transferred from another uni, and am at kuringai campus. I've got 2 core subjects that I need to do but I can only do one (fundamentals of business finance), as Accounting Transactions and Business Decisions is not available in autumn, only spring the main problem is now Im...
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    Anyone a Kuring-gai student getting option of where classes are?

    So I got into Business at the kuring-gai campus but I was hoping to get into the city campus. During the online enrolment there was a question of where I'd prefer my classes to be. Kuring-gai or City. I was hoping to get into the city campus so I selected the city campus option, however I'd...
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    Internal transfer from kuring-gai to city + exemptions from UWS business course?

    thanks guys! i enrolled this afternoon, and came across a question where it asked me if i'd like my classes at the ultimo campus, or the kuring-gai campus. obviosuly wanting to stay in the city, i selected the ultimo classes. im quite suprised this question was asked. do you guys know if this...
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    Internal transfer from kuring-gai to city + exemptions from UWS business course?

    So i have 2 main questions, first i've got into the kuring gai campus for bachelor of business, though i was hoping for the city campus. Is it hard to do an internal transfer after a semester/year? Also I've done first year at UWS doing the bachelor of business and commerce, I've completed...
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    What are my chances of getting into UTS from UWS?

    So I'm hoping I can transfer from UWS to UTS, as it is more convenient for me. I have a feeling my chances are low but would like to know your opinions as well. My UAI was 65.65, after first semester my GPA was 5.667/7 however after second semester it went down to 4.671/7. Thats because I...
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    Transferring out of UWS

    I live alot closer to the cit than the West, and hence it would be more, heaps convenient
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    Transferring out of UWS

    Im looking at applying the Bachelor of Business and Commerce course due to my low UAI. What are the chances of being able to transfer out of UWS after completing first yr of the business and commerce course into a city uni doing commerce. Would the average be minimum credit? My UAI is in...