T3 INFS2603 Business Analysis................85 HD
T3 MATH2831 Linear Models....................94 HD
T3 MGMT1001 Managing Organisations&People....95 HD
Not too sure how science works but for business i can say they dont always notify you if you come 1st ~ you should email your LIC and ask for your rank if you dont receive any emails soon
Wait until first lecture/tute.
Econ1101 might still use their playconomics thing which is an online textbook they made specifically for the course and you kinda needa buy it to do the weekly quizzes for it (if they havent changed the format).
Acct1501 dont think youd need the latest version...
If you mean the flex-core courses econ1102, acct1511, fins1613 and infs1602 should be pretty good. All are level one courses and they arent too hard. Fins1613 and econ1102 do have a bit of math but its mainly rearranging equations/multiplying etc so you should be fine there. Infs1602 is no math...
One of my friends emailed the relevant people and asked and they said they would estimate 86 for stage 1 and 85 for stage 2 and 3 noting that students wams are concentrated around the lower cut offs for deans list
A friend who did the GAMSAT in his 2nd year of uni (and got 97 percentile) told me that the sciences section is easy to learn by yourself so dont pick a course based on whether youll learn enough science from it (He also did that gamsat prep degree from UOW and said it was useless for the test)...
Depends on the university - UNSW average is 99.60 (Can get in with high 98 atar and high UMAT)
USYD double degree is 99.95
UWS/Newcastle - Is a hurdle of about 96.5 atar (iirc)
Most of the interstate unis are high atar (Flinders i think was 99.8+ for example, UQLD maybe 99+)
Keep eco/adv eng/modern/2u math for sure. The debate is between legal and biology since your not super interest in them. If you equally hate both subjects then stick with legal becuase your rank is better. If however you like biology and reckon youll want to study it more than legal (and you get...