Re: Is there any use bringing a laptop to uni?
An addition to my other post:
If you have a Summer session law subject of six hours of class each day, you can play Pokemon.
I had offers from both UTS and Mac. I chose Macquarie...but that was because of their ancient history department.
Your list of pros for Macquarie is problematic. For example, you assume that you will have friends and that there will be adequate seating to hang out with them on campus. What I am...
Re: Is there any use bringing a laptop to uni?
My little Asus Eepc lives in my uni bag. Although there are quite a few days that I take it without using it, it is tiny and of no noticeable inconvenience (other than paranoia about your bag getting stolen). For many of my subjects it has been...
Macquarie uni library is excellent if you are working in ancient history (I say ancient as I have no clue about modern history resources). I signed up with the HSC History Extension associate thing and made ample use of it.
Re: Thursday 27/5/2010 ACCG200 lecture's dispute?
The reduction in contact hours is disgusting. For example, for property law we have a 10% mark for class participation + a 10% mark for a presentation. The problem is, with half the time and more students in each class we don't even get the...