If you decide to, I'm pretty sure you'll have to repeat at another school (I suggested the idea to Swan and she said I was crazy). And if your estimate was 95 (even though they were conservative) it's kind of unlikely you'll get .95 seeing as we didn't even get a single one last year.. :L
Yeah I thought the study day wasn't that great.. The lectures seemed a bit beyond the scope of what we're expected to write in the HSC. And that last session on unseens took way too long.. Haha how'd you find it?
Yeah last year no one in our school did Latin at all.
Hhahahaa same you should see the extension unseens - they're harder and you have to answer questions about them too, so if your translation isn't right you're pretty screwed :'(
LOL wow 2 people. Well for Aeneid it was like translate passages from wherever, multiple choice grammar (and my teacher chose a few grammar points which weren't from Liz's workbook which sucked), contextual questions like what triggered Turnus to say these words and a question on techniques and...
Depends on what subjects you're doing and which ones you didn't do so well in, but I would drop down to 11 (or 12) :)
And with 11 I had so many free periods last term/timetable is changing you might have scattered frees instead of your Monday arvo block