Recent content by asparagus

  1. asparagus

    What are the cultural factors affect the Australian stereotype? eg: beach,beer and bb

    Re: What are the cultural factors affect the Australian stereotype? eg: beach,beer an cultural factors include doing your own year 12 english homework
  2. asparagus

    How professionalism, ethics, and moral standards relate to the pursuit of a career

    Re: How professionalism, ethics, and moral standards relate to the pursuit of a caree i think you should do your own homework.
  3. asparagus

    What's up with Western restaurants chains serving me halal meat??

    the problem is that supermarkets are demanding that everything is halal certified. And the halal companies for example, if you dont pay for halal certification, and then decide to certify it, they charge you double to 'punish' you. also the halal companies dont even check half the time, its...
  4. asparagus

    What's up with Western restaurants chains serving me halal meat??

    not every single thing in the supermarket is labelled vegan or gluten free
  5. asparagus

    What's up with Western restaurants chains serving me halal meat??

    the point is i dont want to directly subsidise someoen's religion every time i go to the supermarket. This whole halal thing has been foisted upon us without our consent, and people are going to start boycotting the products that are halal certified.
  6. asparagus

    What's up with Western restaurants chains serving me halal meat??

    that doesn't explain how items that are inherently non halal, ie honey still carry halal certification
  7. asparagus

    What have you eaten today?

    is it unhealthy to buy home brand cage eggs?
  8. asparagus

    What's up with Western restaurants chains serving me halal meat??

    that doesn't explain how items that are inherently non halal, ie honey still carry halal certification
  9. asparagus

    What's up with Western restaurants chains serving me halal meat??

    it matters because it seems like everything has a halal certification now, especially in supermarkets. Then you ask: 1. why do all of these companies want everything halal certified when the majority of the population dont want them to be 2. who are these halal companies that sell the halal...
  10. asparagus

    Unborn baby dies after Jehovah refuses treatment

    A child becomes a person capable of being killed when it has completely proceeded in a living state from the body of its mother, whether it has breathed or not, and whether it has an independent circulation or not, and whether the navel-string is severed or not. and yes, victoria does allow...
  11. asparagus

    can you get fired for taking pictures of knowledge needed to perform your job??

    there is a concept in equity called 'breach of confidence', but its only relevant to the extent that they suffer loss from you doing that. Maybe just ask your supervisor if there is a way they can send you a copy. From an employment law perspective it may be a violation of the terms of your...
  12. asparagus

    Casual Friday in investment banks?

    i hate to burst your bubble but law is a conservative profession. The only people that dress flamboyantly are senior barristers.
  13. asparagus

    Unborn baby dies after Jehovah refuses treatment

    the point seems to be that if you injured someone who might otherwise have been saved from a blood transfusion you're still liable for the consequences of that person's religious choices.
  14. asparagus

    Unborn baby dies after Jehovah refuses treatment

    . The English case of R v Blaue serves to illustrate this point. There, a Jehovah's witness, pursuant to her religious beliefs, refused a blood transfusion which would almost certainly have saved her life. The jury might on such facts conclude that her death was reasonably foreseeable as a...
  15. asparagus

    Unborn baby dies after Jehovah refuses treatment

    the unborn child isn't a person so has no sovereign rights the state should protect