I suppose doing it semester 1 appears to be the easier option for most people, especially since the 2nd lect quiz is only worth 15% compared to sem 2.
It's really just a personal thing, but I hate having my grade dependent on class participation. I'm not sure about others, but it actually...
I did 1612 & 2624 at the same time just this sem. I would say it doesn't really matter whether you do one first or the other. Personally, I did benefit from this since there's a but of an overlap in topics (options) but overall, I would say it doesn't matter.
In regards to the online quizzes...
- Don't be vague. Regardless of whatever you're writing, being vague makes your argument look superficial. Your aim is to provide a profound analysis, outlining exactly what you're aiming to argue and using specific examples to back up why you believe so is so.
- I believe your teacher is...
Does anyone know the difficulty of the questions in the midsem? Is it approximately the difficulty of the "challenge questions" in the prescribed textbook?
If that's what you're worried about, then just avoid it. Academically, SBHS is strong esp maths and science subjects. Find the right crowd of people and chill with them.
Eng Adv - Gotta do your readings widely. Don't think there's one/few particular textbooks/websites to rely on.
Chemistry - Conquering chem, excel?
MX1 - Cambridge
MX2 - Cambridge (?), Terry Lee
Although you don't really need notes for maths. It's more about understanding than memorisation.
Long lost sister/brother? :lol:
@Flop55 - I believe 5.3 is the highest level for year 10 maths. Are you struggling with it? If you are, that might be why your teacher suggested it. If not, it is odd. When I was in year 10, we all did 5.3 and all my friends who went on to do 2U did fine :O
Many factors to consider:
- You could be potentially doing subjects that are too easy (?) for you --> You aren't being challenged as other people are
- You could be intelligent to begin with. A little work equates to someone else's many hours spent on studying
- Depends on your cohort. If...
You'll probably love the freedom. But after a while, you kind of lose sense of time LOL But before you know it, holidays over and uni starts. It'll be yr 12 all over again except harder :D
You'll also find out who your (long term?) friends really are. There are those that you lose contact with...
Some places care about the fact that you are only doing a single degree (straight commerce), some places don't care. I told my interviewer straight up that my first choice was commerce+engo (and also gave them a reason why it was like that) and they said that they didn't care as long as you were...