Recent content by Azi

  1. A

    'after the bomb' elective for ext eng

    I think you mean 'The Outsider'? I read the book recently and loved it, but I thought it was just too early, it was published in 1942, and we are meant to study texts from 1945-1989 or something?
  2. A

    13 units, did well in exams, what do you think?

    I don't know my school rank. I can't imagine it would be that good, being a fairly average rural high school. How do you find out school rankings?
  3. A

    13 units, did well in exams, what do you think?

    Here's my exam results: English 2U - 90%, 2nd? English ext 1 - 92%, =1st Maths 2U - 60%, =2nd Legal Studies - 84%, 1st Biology - 87% - 1st Ancient History - 84%, =3rd History ext - 84%, 2nd Pretty good, I think, plus I do english extension 2, which gives me 13 units. Is it a good idea to...
  4. A

    Why are there no 'After the Bomb' resources?

    Do not many schools choose the subject, or something???
  5. A

    13 units, a bad idea?

    Sorry, obviously I take care to spellcheck for school things.. English extension two tends to 'care' a bit more about creativity than spelling anyway. Proper study timetable?? gosh no, I don't actually study that much, I just put a lot of effort into homework and finish most things at school.
  6. A

    13 units, a bad idea?

    urgghhh I wish someone could make a logical decision for me. I'm doing dance classes twice a week to, which includes teaching community classes.. Plus for most years I have relied on natural abilty + cramming (good short term memory). I really can't rely on that as much any more, because it's...
  7. A

    The Black Death - where should I go with it?

    the theory is that with since around 40% (in some places) of the population was wiped out, labour saving devices began to be invented etc etc?
  8. A

    The Black Death - where should I go with it?

    I'm loving all the negativity and loss of faith so I chose The Black Death as my topic. Broadly, I though I thought I could discuss the how and why of beliefs and changing values.. -beginning of the industrial revolution? -Church's loss of traditional powers -Malthusian Crisis Theory...
  9. A

    Which person? 1st.. etc

    Oh my god Im an idiot. I meant 3rd not 2nd.
  10. A

    Which person? 1st.. etc

    My short story relies on the day to day 2nd person observations of a man, and rather twisted 1st person stream-of-consciousness from another man who turns out to be the first in a kind of sleep apnea. I am much better (well I think it just seems to sound more interesting) writing in 1st person...
  11. A

    13 units, a bad idea?

    It'd probabely be either Maths or ext history that I would drop. However Im not really that bad at maths, 12th includes all the people doing maths extension.. I'm a little worried about Ancient being scaled low, and that my class is full of bludgers, plus I'm sure we are doing a watered down...
  12. A

    13 units, a bad idea?

    My subjects are: English Advanced 2nd English Extension 2 2nd 2U Maths 12th Legal Studies 1st Ancient History 1st History Extension n/a (just started) Biology 1st Is it sensible to be doing 13 units when only...
  13. A

    how do I upload a document in a thread?

    Its fairly big and for some reason it comes up with an error saying I've exceeded the allowable number of some sort of thing (that isn't length) even when it is all in plain old times new roman.
  14. A

    how do I upload a document in a thread?

    Somebody must know!
  15. A

    how do I upload a document in a thread?

    I would like to upload a short story...