Recent content by basicassasin

  1. basicassasin

    So what are you guys playing at the moment?

    1664 mmr HoN anyone up for a queue? wooooh
  2. basicassasin

    Physics HW

    I've done the exam but don't have the answer to check if its right? pretty sure im wrong Question 22 (3 marks) In Australia, free to air television has recently had many more channels become available. Also, over the past decade, millions more people are using mobile phones. Discuss...
  3. basicassasin

    how much ATAR needed?

    How much ATAR would i need to get into IT for UTS
  4. basicassasin

    Hi, i'm a NEET. jokes aiming for 80+ ATAR

    Hi, i'm a NEET. jokes aiming for 80+ ATAR
  5. basicassasin

    What Atar?

    What ATAR would i need to get an IT degree for UTS?
  6. basicassasin

    Can someone calc what i need to get 80+ ATAR?

    My subjects are: Physics, Chemistry, English 2U standard, Ext1 Maths, and IT. how much would i need for each to get an 80ATAR