Recent content by Baybee-Sammy

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    BSc IT Talk

    hey im doing BSc IT@ UTS this year :D
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    Notes!!! WANTED :D

    lol yea if my teacher did anything during class i wouldnt be here! dont even know where to look besides the syllabus!
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    Notes!!! WANTED :D

    does any1 have any notes for popular culture- Grunge & Belief Systems- Feminism
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    anyone else screwed 4 ancient :(
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    2008 HSC Timetable

    Re: Two exams in the same day? ancient & religion :(
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    2008 HSC Timetable

    Re: Two exams in the same day? OMG i got ancient & religion aswell sucks balls man :(
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    suicide and the hsc....

    man srsli.. hsc can go suck balls i mean come on ppl full stress themselves 4 a number.. arghhhh :(
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    how many marks do u think i got for AoS?

    Section 1 - probz 8-9 .. cuz it just killed my lifee .. da stupid poem!!! Section 2- im hopin 11- 13 Section 3- probz 12-13 i wanna get lik 35 - 38 maybee hoping :D :D:D:D:D
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    General Thoughts: Information Technology

    Re: How Was The Exam 2008!?!?! the multiple choice & short answer were pretty easyyy ... but omg wtf was with the extended responsee!! only 1 of them made sense question 21 . i did 21 & 22 ...
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    Module B: Shoe-Horn Sonata notes

    how do you do a radio interview 4 shoe horn??
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    Text Types?!?!?

    I dont want a radio interview!! can someone tell me how long their introduction is for their essays??