Recent content by Bella-boo

  1. B

    So how is study going?

    yeah studied didnt happen ditched it and went to sydney for the week now bak and regretting it i have ipt in exactly one hour so im nervous as hell actualy passed the nervous stage i used to get nervous now i just have a 'who cares' attitude very bad attitude to have WOO 2MRO IS MY DAY OFF ! no...
  2. B

    Half Yearly Exams

    Wow . all you people sound really smart with all your high aims and crap haha i dont even study actually no one at our skool does and its pretty kool everyone is wayy to laid back tho and wen we dont study we tend to think stuff it and we end up surpising ourselves i had english and legal...
  3. B

    What have you eaten today?

    - a yoghurt - a toasted ham cheese and tomato sandwich