Recent content by bells_123

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    Edutest Tips - Entry into Yr 11 2025 -Sydney Girls

    Hey lol! I got in but i think im picking sydney girls. Love fort st but I foudn. open night so good
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    Fort St Interview Questions

    Do you like to read, HSC Goals, Psot-grad goals, Why you'd be an asset to the school, Free time?, WHy you're leaving your current school, fav subjects. That's what I remember. It not rlly serious I was straight up like I don't like reading but my fav book is etc. and in my free time I hang eith...
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    Fort St Interview Questions

    I got offered a place, and received intervuew a few weeks back. So unfortunately you might have missed out
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    Fort St Interview Questions

    lmk if you want the specific questions but I didn't get asked many
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    Fort St Interview Questions

    i think its a bit different for me cause my brother goes there so she was like I don't rlly need to tell you about the school but since ur applicaation was strong we are offering a spot straight away. They give u your HAST results and the paperwork to accept. She says they're interviewing about...
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    Fort St Interview Questions

    when i first got there i had to fill in a paper questionaire that has many uestion like my interests, subject plans etc. Then I went into the interview. Principal told me I came 2nd overall in the HAST and that the interview was a formaility. Then we just chatted, she asked about my favourite...
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    Fort St Interview Questions

    okay so basically the principal is an angel
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    Fort St Interview Questions

    I have an interview at 1:00pm today. My brother goes to Fort St and he says usually the interviews area formality and msot people will make it in from that point as long as ur not a psycho. I'll lyk tho after mine today
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    HAST results 2024

    HAST fort st year 11 just came out
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    My fruends mumis in a relationship with my friend's cousin! She'ss 56 and he's 17!!! They told...

    My fruends mumis in a relationship with my friend's cousin! She'ss 56 and he's 17!!! They told me to keep it a secret because they say it's true love but I want to confess, that I'm really jealous uwu maybe I should ask for a 3sum
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    Year 8-11 Selective Result Discussion

    I LOVE U CUTIE @Syd27
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    2026 HSC CHAT

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    2026 HSC CHAT

    IK I heard abt tha. So creepy.