Hey (: I get how you feel, I think that's relevant to all of us. Everyone's kind of freaking out about subject selections and also prelims start in a little over a month and argh, we'll be hsc students >< What are holidays? More like extended study break aye.
I've just got some notes that I've made from my Legal Studies textbook (:
Common law/case law is law developed by judges when deciding cases
Judges must resolve disputes on the basis of decisions made in similar cases
A judgment that is followed is called a...
This is probably too late haha, but I recently did a presentation on despots/tyrants and I did Pol Pot (Cambodia) and Suddam Hussein (Iraq)
There are a few others that I can come up with on the top of my head
`Kim Jong Un
`Kim Jong Il
`Robert Mugabe
Hey everyone! I'm new to the whole BoredofStudies community and am in year 11 this year haha.
So I'm doing Ext English, Ext Maths, Modern history, Ancient history, Legal studies and VA.
Can anyone tell me from experience if Modern ties in very well with Legal studies? I was thinking of...