Recent content by .blank

  1. B

    I'm in Year 10. What can I do to get into med?

    I'm in Year 10 this year and want to study Med (hopefully combined with Science at Usyd) when I head for Uni. I guess at this stage in time, I'm luckier than a lot of other people because I still have time to plan for it. Unfortunately, I haven't really spent time to do a lot of extra curricular...
  2. B

    HSC leaver/undergrad medicine..

    Can I just confirm that the combined medicine interviews are Multiple Mini Station? The Usyd website says that it's a semi-structured panel interview on the combined medicine page, and a multiple mini station on the graduate medicine page. The MSO Forum says it's a multiple mini station for...
  3. B

    Medentry Vs Icarus College! Sorry For Repeat

    Marinababy, which high school do you/did you go to? Please answer this, and I will PM you the name of a contact I have at that school (most likely I will have one, as I have contacts from heaps of different schools). Please contact THEM, and they will get back to me, confirming you are...
  4. B

    sdd scaling

    From what I've heard it scales down (i.e badly). But if you're doing accelerated, you can do a Distinction Course which scales really well.
  5. B

    Major Work Groups?

    James Ruse allows four to a group. I have no idea what the Group Project is about. Can someone enlighten me?
  6. B

    Have to make a GAME

    At the moment, I'm learning Java because I've read on how it's powerful and relatively easy to learn, compared to C and C++. Is that a good decision? Or should I scrap it and learn something else?
  7. B

    Medicine in 2009

    Just a question: what non-academic things do you need to do (e.g leadership, sports) to get into med? Are you at a disadvantage if you aren't a prefect and haven't represented your school in any sport? I'm looking at Usyd (combined med) but I'd appreciate UNSW info as well.
  8. B

    The iPhone of home phone'd be able to access a lot of the functions of a computer on a cute, tiny, low-resolution, eye-hurting, easily-broken screen from the comfort of your own $500 home phone, saving a whole 30cm of walking... It's so much like a computer, it even crashes!
  9. B

    Iphone-The World's Best Phone?

    While I personally wouldn't buy either of them, if you can afford it, and you want the best of both worlds, and you don't mind using both your pockets, why not buy a Nokia N95 + iPod Touch/HTC Touch? Doesn't the N95 have a Carl Zeiss Lens (the ones used in the Sony Cybershot cameras)?
  10. B

    Buying Laptop need help.

    Dell and Acer sell cheap laptops. If you want better specs for your buck, try them.
  11. B

    Urgent Help !!

    Does your system lockup as well? If so, you might have an svchost problem. Try or If your system doesn't lockup, try it anyway.