I'm a Ext 1 student who is in need of a 2U maths tutor in the Canterbury/Bankstown district. As my school is in the city, any libraries in the city for tuition are easily accessible for me -- this is for people that have uni on weekdays that wouldn't mind tutoring me after uni. Really need a 2U...
(: Hey! I find that many Cantonese people who learn their Mandarin overseas usually have a Cantonese accent, do you speak fluent Mandarin, or do you have what some people call a 'Honkie' accent when speaking Mandarin? Just curious! Please don't be offended :(
Oh and i'm assuming your Maths is...
Oh, how come you were allowed to do the Continuer's course? Or do you do the Background Speaker's course? Hahaha, I'm Cantonese and I was asked a whole lot of questions and had to fill in some papers before the teacher allowed me to do the Continuer's course as apparently they're not letting any...
4mand4 and sonyaleeisapixi good to hear your pips are coming out great! I figured out i didn't really have much interest in mine, but i've only done intro and first chapters
If i could go back, I'd absolutely SCRAP Society and Culture and do Japanese Beginners instead. I'd probably also consider Senior Science (or try to gather a class because we didn't have enough people for it).
Other than that, all i can do now is just try my best.
I was born in Australia and my background language is Cantonese so i speak fluent Cantonese! I can also read a good 80-90% traditional characters but as for writing, maybe about 40% :(
I'm learning Mandarin at the moment at school and i learn a lot from watching television.
Actually most...
I don't know why but i find that ABCs learn Mandarin so much better than people that were actually born in HK. Take Linda Chung for example, haha her Mandarin is pretty much near perfect despite bad pronunciation here and there but its still good!
I want someone to speak Mandarin with so i...
I personally prefer traditional, because it looks more 'correct' but i'm happy that i'm even learning Chinese traditional or not. Traditional looks really nice in essays =)
Sounds crazy but its true!