I was born a boy, to two parents, in a hospital. Raised in a home, attended some form of education, grew in size.
breakdancing, fishing but never catching, watching comedy movies, laughing for the heck of it, making others laugh for the heck of it, playing boring text-based like facebook mousehunt, reading frankenstein and paying particular attention to the naked painting on the front cover, writing up things on 'interest' sections for forum profiles, eating fine cuisine, eating not-so-fine cuisine, brushing
- Birthday
Mar 30, 1991
(Age: 33)
- Location
- Gender
- Academic Programme
advanced mathematics, advanced english, extention 1 maths, extention 1 english, physics, chemistry, biology
- Uni Grad
- Educational Institution
baulkham hills highschool
- Political Views
- Favourite Music
Used to be an eminem fan in primrary, grew into a mainstreamer, then adopted a passion for n1gg3r music, and now nothing due to all the studying, except for a bit of mainstream when exercising..
- Favourite TV Shows
FAMILY GUY!!, scrubs :D, oh i love everything, house, everybody loves raymond, south park, my wife and kids, two and a half men, heroes, friends, how i met your mother, how i met your father, how i met you, how i met your incestual stepbrother who is in fact the family pet iguana, my name is earl,
- Favourite Movies
really, there's too many. The prestige for sure and Memento. Ask Christian, he likes all the best movies, which i obviously like too...because i'm not like. queer.
- Favourite Books
the lifes and crimes of harry lavender :)...okay!! its like...one of the only books i've read recently!
- Favourite Quote
whatever floats your boat, tickles your pickle and fiddles your diddle at the same time must be good for you ~ me.
- Occupation
mexican flying fish (: (2014 edit -- currently 5th
- Future Plans
- Industry Interests
Healthcare/Medical, Pharmaceutical, Science/Biotechnology
Bite me.
I taste wonderful!!!!
BHHS 2009
3-unit english, 4-unit maths, chemistry, physics, yah.
aiming for ====> 100 UaI##

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