I started prelim doing biology purely because i thought it would be handy having a science under my belt. After one lesson i knew i couldn't do it for 2 years, i hated science, didn't know why i chose it to begin with. I didn't have many options of what to change to so in the end i picked...
I have an assessment for prelim ext 1 where i need to compose a script for a 1984 dystopic television series.
What do you all think is a good scene in the book to write as a script, that will have dialogue that portrays it as a dystopic setting?
Thanking you all
b xo
I'm trying to make some notes under the syllabus headings, and my text book has nothing in reference to the topic the role of market.
-determining solutions to the economic problem
- the importance of relative price in reflecting opportunity costs in the goods and services and factor markets...
Sorry, new to this, not sure if i am posting this in the right spot!
For economics,
What characteristics determine whether a country is a high, medium or low income country?
Help is greatly appreciated!
B x