Recent content by Bremjo96

  1. B

    Hunger strike saves taxpayer dollars

    I don't understand why anyone gives in to anyone going on hunger strike, if they want to starve themselves let them do it. It's a stupid way to protest and I don't understand how it works. You can't be responsible for them starving to death if your offering them a hot cooked meal and they refuse.
  2. B

    North Korea

    The North Korean's are crazy mostly due to their leaders, what they need is not a nuclear war but a civil war to get these fools off the throne.
  3. B

    The science of climate change

    A) I do, there is clear evidence that climate change is real just look at the resent tornados in Victoria, I mean really when was the last time you heard of tornados in Australia? So even if we are the only country that are doing it at least someone is, and we should the persuade others to do...
  4. B

    Do you support high levels of Immigration

    I can comfortably say I do not support population growth, not that this view has anything to do with immigrants. The fact that we are growing and that world population is growing is ridiculous. We are already at the starting point of unsustainability. For instance ask yourself this if some of...
  5. B

    Does God exist?

    God is simply a view created by people many years ago to explain how there world worked and how it was created. Today he still is what millions of people use to explain things they cannot understand. So in a way he is reasoning constructed by the people that need it the most. I believe in...