Re: YEAR 11 was shit.
hahahah I'm one of those if-driven-to-the-point-of-insanity-i-will-kill-myself people.
so yeah, I'm so screwed.
And yeah, tanjin, I studied like crazy for my exams, got fuck all from it.
YEAR 11 was shit.
It was.
+ The change of classes.
+ The change of teachers.
+ The change of groups.
+ The change of people.
The continuous fights - with friends, with parents.
And overall, I'd rate my year with a 5, compared to the 9 I'd give to year 10.
I did shit in all my exams...
It could be. ALSO:: at my school you get a zero for
- having a phone/ipod/mp3 with you
- borrowing gear
- if you cheat.
Every teacher has the authority to give you a zero.
And if you think about it, it's perfectly fair. :rolleyes: so be good and don't cheat!
Mate, you deserve a medal. Applause to you. :rolleyes:
I have also learnt that in years 7-10, I should have been a rebel.
No going back now. ):
It's funny how you can pick the standards from advanced, hey?
Actually that's like ESL level. EMILY90 TROLL.
I hope that was just a typo.
Hiya Jason. HAHAHAHA CONQUERING CHEMISTRY. Dear god, don't learn from that. It's like the biggest POS textbook to learn from. Use Excel; [bit late now, sorry love.] it's so much better!
Hahahaha I think we all just reckon chemistry is a waste of space; but we need it in our future SO we're...
What sacrifices are you going to make to get the best results?
1. Give up msn, I highly doubt this is going to happen.
2. Give up BOS, I also highly doubt this is going to happen.
3. Give up my life.
4. Get like 2 hours of tutoring a week.
5. I've already resigned from my job [but not for...
Yuck. Essay writing.
For someone taking 4 unit maths and 4 unit english, YOURE SLOW. (sn) < punch it into msn (: !
And Cal . . . ): Unfortunately you're right.
I realised today at school how lonely I am.
It's been over a quarter of a year since I hooked up with someone.
AH </3
olololololol. It's true. I do use extreme capital letters.
BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH you guys provide good entertainment.
Jachie... I think I know the REAL reason why you got banned.
The mods got pissed at you for being too nice.
Cal is far worse than "shit" and a "faggot"... bahahahahahaha.
Jachie has stooped to the level of being asian?
What is this?!
THe use of ^______^?!
Hahahaha well; minnn2 called prettyvacant a dumbslut because she was an idiot cause she didn't read all of prettyvacant's post.
Mufti day tomorrow; what to wear?