Hey guyS!!! I got in! :D I'm so excited! about to go accept my offer right now... :0) I'm still kinda undecided on what stream tho, I guess ill wait till teh info lecture thingy next wednesday!!! congrats guys i guess i'll see you all there! .. how weird!
hehehe not cheating.. just getting a lil bit of extra info!! ;0) lol!
Well i know the most was short stories!! but i think that is always the way!! And i think the next one down was critical response!
wow really? i was really shocked i had no idea it would do that well!! though for the stress it caused it better have haha! :0)
Um, i know that this many did speeches (approx) because my ext 2 teacher was a marker :0) she told me!
Hey GuyS!
Im exstatic with my result! 48 48 48! :D So excited! Just wondering how anyone else doing speeches fared? I know there wa sonly 60 something speeches in teh whole of NSW but i'd lovbe to know how you went! and what you wrote about etc! :D
Hey Guys i really need help with this!:
in electrophoresis i know that the Ph Of the solution in the electrophoresis thingo has an effect on the charged amino acids... yeah? But, i am trying to do this question:
"In Solution Amino Acids usually exist as ions. the exact charge of the ion...
yeha i'm dreading if they ask for three... :'( that would be the day i die! lol I hate skull beneath the skin sooooooo much i'm just preparing to write something about characterizastion on that if i have too... bring on two prescribed texts lol
Okay this question was the worst in the paper... for me! i did emma/clueless and the question, although straight forward threw me.... it wa slike i knew all this stuff about values and ocntexts but i couldnt fit it to the quetsion properly i wrote my conclusiona nd wa sstill like i dont even...
yeha i had a film as my related text and when i got to the end of it i realised... uh oh BOOK launch! But then you know what? I looked down at the prescribed texts and a few were films for change so don't sweat it guys if some people HAD to write about films etc for their prescribed then writing...
Before- Even though i was ready as i could be i was sooo nervous!
During- Fine.... i made a few faces at the stupid poem though lol and confused at finishing early then figuring out it was becaus ei only had to write about one related text in section three lol!
After- Fantastic! No more...
Hey guys!! I also used the fone, ... I used the fone and the wedding foto cause it was in it... because i was afraid not to include the fone because it had all weird dotted lines coming out of it?! lol!
So anyways, i wrote form teh perspective of the priest at the wedding ceremony, but the...
Hey guys!! I'm starting to stress about my UAI result... what do you think?
I go to Aquinas College a catholic school, don't think it wa sin the top 100.. but one can always hope ;) lol
IPT 80% 2/32
Chem 85% 2/8
Studies of Religion 90% 3/72
Maths( 2 unit advanced) 55% 12/28...
Our top Mark was an 84, me 72 (spewing! i got 84 in teh half yearly!) and average... well i'm not sure but lowest mark was 14%!! and there is 8 of us in teh class we had a 50/50 pass/fail situation! I think most schools are liek that, you either dedicate your life to figureing out all the...
Hey! i ended up with a 72, i was NOT happy i lost my first place ranking which i had worked so hard for all year!!! tear lol! ah well.. I lost it by .5 of a mark haha can u believe it? ahh anyways!! i know what stuffed me up! unexpected questions as well as silly mistakes! i did the cssa trial...
I got 80% and was not happy! i normally do alot better... but yeah exactly, for having english advanced in the morning it was pretty stressful!!
What did you guys think of the creative.. or so called 'creative' , i thought it was weird that they asked us to refer to texts... it was like...
I have my heart set on international studies at UNSW , mainly becaus teh euni is close to me my brother goes there and afew other people i know say its a great uni and i know someone that has done the course and she says it was great!!! I know it came up as a 90.9 or osmething last yeah.. so...