Recent content by Cathy Sander

  1. Cathy Sander

    Did anybody not notice how boring physics was until now?

    It's an interesting course. It could be better if they didn't dumb it down too much:)
  2. Cathy Sander

    Anyone else done subjects they regret doing?

    I wished I didn't do Economics :angry:...with all of the annoying data and theory I had to remember, plus the fact that my teacher was too persuasive with me choosing it. If only I did Chemistry...
  3. Cathy Sander

    Not finish the paper?

    I didn't quite get the question on Text 3, Section 1, so I left it brief, in the [bitter] hope of getting something. Otherwise, everything was done OK.
  4. Cathy Sander

    ~~Mathematics Revising Game~~

    1/2-1/6+1/18...=1/2[1-1/3+1/9-1/27...] Limiting sum: a=1, r=-1/3 Hence: S(infinity)=1/[1-(-1/3)] S(infinity)=3/4 Therefore, limiting sum is: 1/2*3/4=3/8 [Q.E.D? Nah...]