Recent content by Ch1n

  1. C

    selective schools

    The only reason ppl do well in the hsc in Ruse is because they get tutored in EVERYTHING. I have friends going to 2 different places for tutoring for the same subject. No1 in ruse actually pays that much attention in class, except for maths
  2. C

    Start of HSC Thoughts: Motivated? Not Motivated?

    Re: 2010'ers - We Are The New Decade i dunno, Class 2k10 sounds alrite. Sounds like a basketball game =p
  3. C

    Fantasy Premier League 09/10

    Bump lol. We need more ppl
  4. C

    Fantasy Premier League 09/10

    Hey everyone, I was wondering if there were any FPL players here. With the new addition of private Head 2 head league, I'm sure this season could be great. Just looking for peeps who are interested in playing.
  5. C

    Australian Science Olympiads

    I don't think yr 12 are allowed to do it
  6. C

    Prelim EE1 - Marginalization: Arcadia

    LOL so sad yash... srsly if ur gonna bag out ppl who have already posted stuff up, wat makes u think others will offer to help.
  7. C

    Hey I was wondering what your rates are for tutoring in English. I live in the Pennant...

    Hey I was wondering what your rates are for tutoring in English. I live in the Pennant Hills/Thornleigh area. Are you classes one on one or group, and if so, how many people per group?