Teacher of Music - lets call her Mrs P
1. Talks only in third person
2. Is insane
Sample of a Wednesday morning class in Yr9
Mrs P bursts in 10mins late "Mrs P does not feel like teaching today!'
exits room.
5-10mins later, walks confidently back in
Mrs P was joking."
I am in my final year of school and looking to move out and find a house/apartment/share house/room to rent with another friend, starting beginning of next year
Needs to be in Sydney region, on the train line, and prefereably on the cheaper side :)
Do you have any sites/areas that you...
i don't know if you're going to read this or anything, but just in case you do -
I'd just like to let you know how (and thankyou for) how helpful your biology notes are for me in the writing of my own notes for the 2009 HSC. To assist for the dot points my teacher missed, or skimmed over...
1. is essential as a solvent (as you said) for all the bodies chem reactions. so, you can infere that if the level is not maintained, the ability of these chem reactions to be performed is limited and possibly stopped = v bad
Also -->
Is essential for the functioning of the circulatory sytem...
1. takes up space (dont know if that is significant)
2. More importantly, if it builds up could (i.e. in blood) change the pH, which would inhibit the function of enzymes essential for cellular function
I think that the reasons...anyhow thats what im saying
I am mildy confused - how many should we have? Recomended, i mean. My schools been very vague...
Also does anyone have any reccomendations for interesting/good ones (that not everyone will be doing)
I'm contemplating The Book Theif but its very long. (if it helps the original text studied was...
The crucible, letters to alice, poetry of Samuel Taylor Colleridge, Letters to Alice, Pride and Prej, Wutering Heights and Birthday letters (poems but someone)
i dont actually know which ones and ad and Ex...hopefull will be the end of the year though :P
Re: Study Habits
I am amazed that anyone could be so motivated so soon in
Havent really found the time to dedicate to 'studying' to busy either with assessements and homework...and various time wasting activities
In any case, im consoling myself with the fact that i will do lots of work these...
how challenging/ possible is it for someone with no education in physics (after yr10), to enter a course requiring physics.
ive heard lots of rumours about bridging courses moving v. fast and being v. hard.
any imput would be great
I did little pics, as well as words like Tapole adn stuff
Umm i said reflected the infr red but i really wasnt sure
Thank Lothy you did the same as me :)